
If that's the case, you will only see the overview waveform on the CDJ-2000NXS display when connected to rekordbox dj; this is normal as the full waveform can be seen on your computer screen.
This is very odd. On the USB stick all the information is displayed on the CDJ screen including the bars count down and I am able to see two wave forms. However, when I select rekord box and connect to my machine. Only one wave form is there and everything else is missing including the bars and other information.
How do I get this to display the same information as it does on the USB. Please explain
If that's the case, you will only see the overview waveform on the CDJ-2000NXS display when connected to rekordbox dj; this is normal as the full waveform can be seen on your computer screen.
Which hardware unit are you using with rekordbox, and are you sure that you've configured your firewall properly to allow all communication between the player and rekordbox?
I am connecting the CDJ 2000 nexus to the Toshiba Laptop Windows 8 via USB. The CDJ is being connected from the CDJ mixer on deck 1 to the PC. Do I need to do something else here? The firewall is connected correctly on my PC.
No issues with the firewall. Please advise
Sorry, you're using a CDJ-2000NXS in HID mode to control rekordbox dj in performance mode, correct?
That is correct
Is there anyway I can see it the waveform on the CDJ-2000NXS screen when connected to rekordbox d? This doesn't make any sense. I would like to record my sets with record box DJ and use rekord box video, but I'm not going to using my computer screen. I need to use the CDJ screen.
No, sorry, the CDJ-2000NXS is incapable of having the full waveform displayed in HID with rekordbox dj.
Which CDJ is capable of doing this?
If the answer is No well how would I be able to use rekord box video with the CDJ screen? I've seen several videos on youtube where they are able to use the CDJ SCreen and Rekord box as well. Can you please explain this? This isn't making any sense right now.
The CDJ-2000NXS2 and XDJ-1000NXS2 are both capable of showing the full waveform on the display of the player in HID mode with rekordbox dj.
In this case, I need to downgrade to XDJ-1000NXS2 in order to display it on the CDJ screen? Is there anyway to avoid this? I need to see the full wave length on the CDJ 2000 because I'm going to be using record box video to display on the projector, but my laptop is not going to be near me at all.
I only see one wave length currently.
Why isn't the CDJ-2000 compatible as well? I just spent over 32000 on this and I expected all the features to work properly here? Now I would have to return everything here.
Limitations of the hardware, sorry.
Is there any other way to connect rekord box video and the normal wave form displayed on the cdjs? You mentioned something about a firewall earlier.
Is there anyway to connect this without USB? I spent so much money on the cdjs I would hate to send this back.
No - the firewall is only an issue if you're using the players in the "linked" configuration, which is not available in Performance mode, so no rekordbox video.
Can you describe any other way to use Rekord box video? Perhaps a way I wouldn't need to connect my PC? This is very important to me. I just need to make sure I see the two wave forms on my cdj screen (Like I see via USB connection). The count down of the bars and the two wave forms. I honestly hope you understand what I'm asking here.
If you're using rekordbox in performance mode with a CDJ-2000NXS, you will NOT have the large waveform on the CDJ's display. Period. It is shown in the software.
There is no way to perform with video other than using rekordbox video; the CDJ does not have a video output, your computer is needed.
Well this is very disappointing. I am not sure how else to use rekord box video. I thought the purpose of djing with record box is to eliminate using the computer? Just to clarify though, you said earlier in this post the large wave form on the CDJ-2000NXS2 is displayed on the CDJS? However, the hardware is not supported to do this on the cdj 2000 NXS, Is that correct?
In regards, If I go out and purchase the CDJS 2000 NXS2 is the full screen going to be displayed on the cdjs?
I think the misunderstanding is in how you believe rekordbox works... allow me to try and explain it. There are two modes: EXPORT and PERFORMANCE.
In EXPORT mode, you use rekordbox to prepare your music collection and to manage the music, playlists, etc. You can use this mode to export music to a USB device for use with the player (WITHOUT having a computer at the gig), or you can link rekordbox via ethernet to the players, effectively making your computer a larger, smarter, hard-drive with a keyboard and a screen, with it acting as the source for your music. All of the audio processing is done on the players themselves, and the audio mixing is done on whatever mixer you want to use.
In PERFORMANCE mode, rekordbox is a full-fledged DJ software which does the hard work. You can use a controller or any other compatible CDJ connected via USB (or even compatible MIDI devices) to manipulate the software. Your computer is required for this as it's doing everything. You can configure the software to output the audio to the CDJ or a mixer, whichever audio device you prefer. Should your device (eg. CDJ) have a screen, some information can be displayed there -- just what information depends on the model, as previously described.
rekordbox video is a plugin for rekordbox dj (PERFORMANCE MODE) allowing you to mix videos. You will need to use a secondary display output from your computer to achieve the best results when mixing videos, as this allows you to send the master video output to the second display while being able to see all of your master controls and DJ functions within the software on your primary display.
So to answer your last question -- even if you use a CDJ-2000NXS2, which would show the large waveform on the CDJ display -- you would still need to see the display of your computer, because if you're mixing videos, as you said yesterday, you need to be able to see the screen of your computer.
Sorry to bump this old thread but it's 4 years later and I want to see if this has since been addressed. I am using performance mode with my new CDJ 3000's. My main reason for using performance mode is because I can use a streaming service for music. I know the wave forms are showing on my computer screen but is there still a hardware limitation even with the 3000's that doesn't allow the waveforms on the decks while in performance mode? essentially, just looking for a solution where I only use the computer for access to the streaming libraries.
The CDJ-3000 does show both the overview AND full waveforms when connected to rekordbox in performance mode. Are you sure you're using the correct versions of the software / drivers / firmware?
Yes, everything is up to date. Think I typed up my initial question wrong.. what I mean is that I can only see the waveform on the controller for the song playing on the controller and not the waveform from the 2nd controller. I can only see both waveforms on the computer when in performance mode. Is there any way around this?
The "master" deck waveform is not shown on the CDJs when in rekordbox control mode.