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OS 1.4 for SP16 still scheduled for the end of the year !!

We have to be a little patient, good things are coming.... the new software for djS1000 will be compatible too...cool..







Awesome! At first it was spring 2017, than in late 2017 and now sheduled for the end of 2017. Pioneer, I will be really happy to find out on December that it took 20 months to implement live looping and one or maybe two new effects to Toraiz SP-16 alongside to the development of a completely brand new maschine DJS-1000 with its own firmware. Also I hope that firmware will not be postponed again due to another new users requests during the end of 2017.

Phunk Jamz 0 票
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To be fair to Pioneer, they released a ton of new stuff in the last few months and getting 1.4 done alongside those new products would be hard to achieve. But yeah, we have been waiting a long time. And Pioneer need to evaluate how many new sales the firmware update will generate. Because coding costs money.


Teles 0 票
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Looks like this is like a version of the TSP with less outputs and no Dave Smith filter kinda similar to the MPC Live/MPC X setup for Akai?

If the software editor can swap project files between the two I'm guessing they'll be based on the same firmware and features and looking at the manual for the DJS it looks as though Pioneer have tried to address a lot of the requests to date. 

I'm really looking forward to the 1.4 update..

James Croyden 1 票
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Ive just looked at the manual, if those features come across to the sp-16 which it looks like they should as the devices are similar layout, i would be very happy.

Performance FX


Grid view

Midi sync that works properly, i cant seem to keep in time no matter what

Sampling (although lower in the priority for me)

Even if they couldnt fix the 32 second limit  and simply allow you to select 32 seconds of a full song without that annoying box pop up i would still be happy.

I would much prefer to know what there working on though then being left in the dark about, fingers crossed

Scott Rotton 0 票
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a couple other things in the djs 1000 manual. 

swapping tracks

copying and deleting sequences

live sampling with ability to save sample to multiple tracks holding shift

searching samples 

If any of that makes it's way over to the sp16 i also will be jubilant. the djs1000 looks like a toraiz lite. they took away the 8 outputs and dave smith filters. I'm not hype on the form factor as a turntable user but i understand pioneers need or desire to do it. I'm still waiting on a teardown to see if there's a hack for upgrading memory or storage but I'm not holding my breath for that. I'm very pleased with the sp16. I will say i wish pioneer added an ethernet port to the djm s9 so I could sync up my toraiz to my s9 to be in sync. That or add ableton link to rekordbox dj but that's for a different forum. 

Another reason to be glad the djs 1000 exists is that hopefully the os for the sp16 wont be forgotten after 1.4. 

Also for those looking to stay having a laptop in ur toraiz workflow, check out the project creator. https://www.pioneerdj.com/en/support/software/djs-1000/. Not sure if it's a bug but you gotta double click the loaded samples to have them play back. Might want that to be a single press. 

Orión García 0 票
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Also looks like shift + record is undo on the djs1000. 

Also also, for the record, the project creator works with the toraiz rn. I have noticed some bugs but it's working for me on 1.3 on a mac. You just have to plug your toraiz in and put it in usb mass storage mode to dump projects. There's no way to import scenes so that's not needed but exporting projects to the toraiz works. Once the toraiz unpacks the project I did notice that the wave forms are not displaying but that just might be because it's technically not supported yet. 

Orión García 0 票
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I just reply to the Survey and I have a strange feeling regarding the question kind of weird like if it's elaborate by a psychologist... sounds like 3 questions asked differently like what's you like, what's you really like, what's at least you can't live without ... and of course it's sold by 3 times the exact same reply. 

Anyway, i agree with some of you write. I do think some of the DJS1000 features would be great to see on the SP-16 and I would surprised if they not harmonized the same way both of these devises. (because of the project compatibility)

I do hope they make at least the harmonization. And finger crossed for some sample editing functionality and a more advanced modulation destinations list for step modulation, Lfo modulation and strip controller. Performance FX with this Reverb addition would be awesome... Also I would really like to see a Master FX chain like an EQ8 (EQ4 would be ok) + compressor + limiter...

if FX1 and FX2 turn into FX1 and performance FX, I'm ok with that... If we can EQing each track + 1 FX by track it would be good...

Jessie James 0 票
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