
The problem may arise if you created your account before the SSO was implemented. Please try logging in to your account at PioneerDJ.com rather than here and see if it works there.
This webpage consistently will not let me create new or reply to old posts. It will ask me to login (even after I already have) or will send me to an unload-able page.
This is just one annoying problem of a very badly designed website!
The problem may arise if you created your account before the SSO was implemented. Please try logging in to your account at PioneerDJ.com rather than here and see if it works there.
Yeah, I get this...
You successfully log in, but then, when you try to post in the forums it says you're not signed in, even though in the top banner it says you are.
If you try to look at My Activities, it seems to constantly try to refresh the page.
Had this issue with Chrome and IE.
Exactly the same issue on my Safari (Ios and OSX)
Chrome seems to work for now
I"ve had the same problem logging in too, seemed like error's with the SSO/Single Sign on that they are using on this site and others.
This has been a problem for ages, and it seems Pioneer DJ has little effort invested in fixing it...
Same here, the website and forums are truly shocking.
You would expect better from a company like Pioneer, seeing as how much money they make lol!
For me, it was linked to changing my email address. Not sure if you guys have changed your credentials?
Agree - I can't even download the software to get started - Now can't unlink my account from the Gmail login either to re-use - Absolute rubbish - 3 browsers / 2 Mac's same problem - FIX IT
6 months later to this thread being open and I'm still facing extreme difficult to use Pioneerdj.com webstite and it's forums. How can this be acceptable?
Extremely disappointed.
Yes, extremely dissapointed, here too. I've brought up the issue multiple times, even with video's, but I've given up. I just don't use the forums anymore. Wonder how many other people run into this, and give up. This place could be so much more active. Very sad.
The solution is simple!
- clear your browser cache
- delete any cookies for the following domains: pioneerdj.com, gigya.com, zendesk.com
Many users have done this and have had success with being able to log back in.
Yes, just put your head in the ground and pretend that all these users that are complaining, are just computer nitwits. You should now how many times I've already done this! With firefox, I am still not able to login. I end up in an redirect loop, or nothing at all.
I have not one site where I experience these kind of problems. Why point to your customers? Fix it on your side!
I've tested it with both an agent and end-user account on FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari on Mac, FireFox, Chrome, Edge on Windows, and Chrome, Safari and Opera on iOS devices and in all cases was able to login without any redirects or looping. All had the caches cleared and cookies removed.
If you weren't able to login with FireFox, are you running any plugins that might have prevented you from doing so? Which browser did work? Let's work together to try and determine the source of the problem, because I can tell you, it's not our server.
"Let's work together to try and determine the source of the problem,"
@pulse thanks for the constructive attitude. I'm having continuous login problems over a year, multiple browsers, multiple OS, tried to clear all data from the browser etc.
One pattern that seems to improve, but does not fix the issue, is to login to the regional pioneer site where you initially setup your account. In my case, the Portuguese website.
similar thread to this: https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/115009014126--Solved-Problems-with-the-Pioneer-DJ-forum-and-login
@Pedro > Did you create your account before the Gigya integration or after it?
I created my account on December 2015, I guess before the Gigya integration.
I've read many many threads where you Pulse successfully helped users by clearing the cookies etc. Thanks for that.
I understand why cleaning cookies is required _occasionally_ in random websites to start fresh; but it seems to me that for some users the Gigya migration suffers from a fundamental structural problem that affects us every second time we login.