Hello, do you encounter the same issue also with other usb sticks?
Sometimes 1 of my 2 cdj3000 players is not recognizing my usb stick ; please don't say the usb stick is defective because it is not, when i power off the cdj3000 and put the power back on again the usb stick is instantly recognized and working , i filmed the problem and uploaded on youtube
Hello, do you encounter the same issue also with other usb sticks?
Looks like a Samsung Bar ... not a drive I'd say we've had great success with. Have you tried another make / model USB drive?
i have also same problem its happen in afew days after open box
# we try many different flash disks..
# another cdj3000 player works well with same flash disks
# but this player works only after reset...
Yes i had exactly the same problem , but its gone now
the only logic explaination would be that i updated the firmware of both cdj3000's to the newest version and that resolved the problem i guess ?
Bayram my advice to you is to update your cdj3000 firmware to the newest version and then check if you still have the problem or not
Please let us now the outcome of the result