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4フォロワー フォローする

This is not goodbye, but see you around.

I didn't want to post this yesterday for concern that those who saw it may think it's an April Fool's joke, but after 24 years of answering questions here on the Pioneer DJ forums, I'm hanging up my moderator hat.

I've posted hundreds of thousands of replies to topics and comments on the various platforms we've had over the years, and made some great friends through the community here. Some of us even spawned a streaming website that had a decade-long run broadcasting live DJ mixes from around the globe before streaming was even a thing, and to my MixAddicts friends, I say - you were here at the best time, and it was always a good time.

Some amazing moderators have come and gone, but one who stood along-side me for an incredible 19 years, Jay, is also retiring from his moderator role. We're not abandoning Pioneer DJ, in fact I'm still going to be helping users by answering tickets with the service team, and I'm also working more with the product planning team. Jay will still be handling some of the social media content, as well as the DJ Happy Hour show, plus you'll find one or both of us at various trade shows in the US and Canada.

We've left you in capable hands with Gabby who will be taking over our moderator roles, so please be kind to him and show him the same respect you have for the rest of us. I can't say much, but there are plans in the works for a revamped forum to help restructure things a bit, so be on the lookout for that in the coming months.

I hope we've helped you solve a problem or be a better DJ, and I'll leave you with one of the things I've not said in forever, but will hold strong forever because it's applicable in so many cases...


See you around,





Aw man... sad to hear, Pulse. You've been a tremendous help over the years - since back when I was rocking my CMX-3000+DJM-3000 combo system, all through the MEP-7000 and DJM-5000 upgrades, the SVM-1000 launch, and of course the CDJ-2000 and DJM-2000 launches 20+ years ago. Whoa! How time flies.

You will be missed, my good sir. And although I haven't been super-active on these forums for years, I've always dropped by for a quick glance here and there and was always suprised to see your name still pop up. You've been awesome and THANK YOU for your service! Here's to good wishes for the future!

Eychenne Everyday 1 票
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Finally freed from the shackles :P

Joking aside good luck with product planning team. And have fun annoying profbx.
In case you need more product testers, you know where to look * wink wink*

Ves 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

So long! I think Pioneer has always made DJs better-

Because it has kept a finger on the pulse!

djsoomo 0 票
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