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6フォロワー フォローする

Opus Quad slip mode

Why one of the most used functions was not included on the Pioneer's flagship controller is beyond me🤔 can this be added via firmware update in the future?




Soooooo... i tried to link up with pioneer to save this unit from failure. They ignored my attempts to reach out via twitter. My tweets were sent approximately 4 months from release. Which, was very ironic since i have no connections inside pioneer to know. It was almost like destiny was calling them. lol

Anyway, needless to say i will not be buying it. Not because of personal feelings or anything. But, because, it's impractical in the sense of evolving hardware. The touch screen is still very small for the technology/cost availability and they opted for two tiny screens above the decks. I was imagining a 21 inch wide by 8 inch tall display with all your functions and decks shown in one screen. With the options to cycle between views.

Pioneer, you need help. lol

If you ever change your mind Pioneer. I'm always open to discussions! You can reach me on twitter as Billionator. 

Dj Dead Air 1 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Ah, understood, well but this unit has many things come on, it is as if it had 4x CDJ-3000 inside (obviously excluding some functions, such as the Polyrhythmic Loop, Slip Mode and the complete PRO DJ Link), but it has the Pro function DJ Link Lightning not to be underestimated, then everyone can obviously have their say, but I too think that some important functions such as Slip Mode can be inserted via a firmware update, hoping they do.

コメントアクション パーマリンク