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PLX-500 Strange playback quality after recording via Rekordbox (FIXED)

The first time I used Rekordbox it was installed on my Sony Viao laptop Windows 7 64bit.  I connected the PLX-500 via USB to the laptop,  settings within Rekordbox were left as default with the exception of changing the start/stop recording to manually click the rec button, it worked perfectly.

Sony laptop finally gave up and I have replaced with a Lenovo Thinkpad A275 Windows 10 64bit.  Installed Rekordbox and made the same changes.  Now the playback sounds twice the speed and thin, it's awful.  I have read through forums for advice and can't find answers checked setting.  I used someone elses Thinkpad for testing purposes and a old Acer laptop running Win7 32bit, made no difference same garbbled output.

I've checked the rates and they are at 48kHz

Hope someone can help.



Ian Belgin




Just to mention I checked the audio and it is USB REC if I change any of that the record button is greyed out.

Ian Belgin 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク


Drivers are required despite many, many posts saying it doesn't.

I installed the Berhinger USB audio drivers which comes with a config that is initially hidden but accessable via the hidden icons bottom right of the screen.  Now works perfectly.

Microsoft is not responsible for providing these drivers, it's the vendor.  I and surprised that additional drivers are not provided by Pioneer/Rekordbox.


Ian Belgin 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク