I'm working on a small utility that I thing some of you RB guys might like :)
Or rather... it's a script that uses a combo of KiXtart/Kixforms and CdBurnerXP.
I've attached a screenshot / teaser :)
Got a few bugs left to fix thou...
Interesting indeed!
I already love you mate! haha
Hey this looks very useful! Kixscript, an interesting choice. Keep us posted!
Additionally, Pioneer / MixVibes take note, if this is what a customer is whipping up in their spare time...
Ok... the Alpha-version is ready...
It works on my computer with all my music on an external drive.
This means that now it is up to you to test it, and possibly break it :-)
(if you do break it or find strange characters in the Tree-view och playlist-view, please let me know, via the address you'll find inside the program)
You can send suggestions to, but it might be better to post them in this thread, so others can see them.
You'll need a few things to get this working...
CDBurnerXP (works on XP/Vista/Win7) - get it here: http://www.cdburnerxp.se/?lang=en
KiXforms (the latest dev. build is needed and can be found in the KiXforms forum) - here: http://kixforms.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1490&sid=9b23823d0640673ef8f1847af8403e67
(click on "Kixforms Development Build")
And the utility... I have put this on my Sugarsync-space for now, and if I move it, I'll post it in this thread. - https://www.sugarsync.com/pf/D6522057_7790864_27587
Now you can open your exported xml-file and then burn either mp3-discs, audio-discs or create ISO-files.
(ISO-files will be saved in the same folder as the utility)
Note! The utility does NOT check the file-size so if you have to many songs to fit on a cd, and you try to burn it, you'll waste a cd...
Hopefully you'll find this utility useful :-)
Just to clarify point 3, I have attached a screenshot of my settings.
I'm amused by it, so I'm going to leave it up.