@Travis > What repair number did your ring? Did you use the technical support contacts on the right of this page?
Your best bet would be to take the units to an authorised service centre in your area and ask them to repair them.
My headphones are out of warranty by 6 months and the swivel clip broke. The repair number said they don't fix them and just replace them so I can't get a discount or anything. There's gotta be something I can do, these are $300 headphones and it's just a tiny piece of plastic that makes them worthless.
@Travis > What repair number did your ring? Did you use the technical support contacts on the right of this page?
Your best bet would be to take the units to an authorised service centre in your area and ask them to repair them.
I called the number up top 1-800-872-4159 and hit the key to talk to DJ service. I'll try calling an repair shop if they are open to see if they can help thx.
That may be your best bet - thanks for responding. Please let us know how you get on.
This same problem just happened to me..
@Dan > Please use the technical support links, like we advised above.
You can't get them repaired. You must buy new headphones. Already called their numbers and service centers. Such a joke. Horribly made headphones for the price IMHO.
Service center said repair would cost more than headphones themselves
@jk > Where are you located? What technical support contact did you ring?
I ended up buying another pair on Amazon (from official amazon not a resaler). Every once in a while they drop the prices by like $50 so you can save a few bucks. Be careful at other online places with discounts as they might be fake. Sucks because the part that broke is totally replaceable as it has screws. All my pioneer phones since like 99 have failed shortly- all in ways everyone gets. longest lasting was the SE-DJ5000, (I had like 3 pairs of those lol) but they were much cheaper.
end for me the same, its very bad to buy so expensive headphones but don
t have service center where can buy details to fix this small problem:(,if some one know where i can buy this plastic thing please let me know:)
@Ainars > Tech support contact links are in the column on the right >> They can point you to where you can order parts or get items fixed.