@Juan > Have you disabled your Wifi, disabled your firewall in your "System Preferences" and set the "Network" settings "Ethernet" to the top of the list and using "DHCP"?
0) Have you read the "READ ME FIRST" thread in its entirety before posting: Yes, I swear it!
1) Operating System: OSX Lion
2) OS Type: 64bit
3) Rekordbox version: (Install_rekordbox_1.5.1.8.pkg.zip)
4) Using LINK: Yes
4a) LINK Connection method: DJM2000 (CAT6 CABLES)
4b) Using with CDJs: Yes 3 CDJ2000
5) Hard drive / Flash drive / SD card file system: YES FLASH DRIVE FAT32
5a) Does the device have multiple partitions: No
5b) If it's a flash drive, is it a U3 device: No
5c) With what utility did you format the device: OSX
6) Have you scanned your files for errors: No
7) Have you scanned your drive for errors: Yes
8) Is Rekordbox crashing at all: No
8a) If crashing, is it resulting in: an error message: E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (C611)
8b) If not crashing, are there any error messages: NO
9) Are you able to repeat / reproduce the problem: Yes Every time I drop a song in any player
9a) If yes, can you do it consistently: Yes all the Time
10) Any other notes regarding your setup only: No everything is done By the book even Data cable on Pc1 or computer one is using CAT6 Cable.
Provide as much detail of the issue here:
The system LINKS and shows ALL 4 units perfect (3) CDJ-2000 and (1) DJM-2000 Even play back from SD or USB Shows green (play) or orange (CUE), When a song is DROP on the mixer it sounds perfect with the monitor and headphones using CUE LINK.
But any time that I Drop a song on any Player a Get the following error message: E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (C611).
Any Help … PLEASE.
@Juan > Have you disabled your Wifi, disabled your firewall in your "System Preferences" and set the "Network" settings "Ethernet" to the top of the list and using "DHCP"?
YES, My FireWall Is OFF and my WIFI Connection is on second Place, I test it With The WIFI OFF with the same result strange thing is that the CUE LINK Works Perfect I can Drop Song on the DJM-2000 and listen the track in My earphones with no Problem. My CDJ-2000 have the latest FirmWare.
Test The unit With PC (Jukkk L ) with windows 7 With NO Problem.
Please Some One Help Me ....
@Juan > Sorry, I was in a rush before I had class.
Is your "Ethernet" connection listed at the top of the list and does it have a green dot beside it in your "System Preferences" "Network" settings?
When everything is connected, can you press the "LINK" button on the CDJ's and access your Rekordbox library instead of trying to drop files onto the players?
@Juan > Sorry, I was in a rush before I had class. Thanks Buddy
Is your "Ethernet" connection listed at the top of the list and does it have a green dot beside it in your "System Preferences" "Network" settings? Yes It IS
When everything is connected, can you press the "LINK" button on the CDJ's and access your Rekordbox library instead of trying to drop files onto the players?
Yes I see the LINK Pionner Logo and I can only Drop files in to the Mixer and listen to them using the CUE – LINK function of the mixer using my headphone but when I Drop the Files in ANY of the players I Get the following error message: E-8302: PLAYER ERROR (C611).
@Jaun > What do you mean "LINK Pioneer Logo"?
When your CDJ's are connected, press the blue "LINK" button on your CDJ so that it lights up. Then let me know if you are able to see your
Rekordbox collection on that CDJ.
Have you checked the "Lock/Unlock" switch on your CDJ's? If they are switched to "Lock" you might not be able to load tracks to that CDJ.
Lastly, if none of that works try connecting just 1 of your CDJ's to your computer running Rekordbox directly. Do not use the DJM-2000 with it. Just unplug one on the CDJ-2000's out of the DJM-2000, then plug that LAN cable directly into your computer, and see if you are able to connect and access your Rekordbox collection.
Also, just do a quick search in Rekordbox for missing files. In Rekordbox, under "File", click "Display All Missing Files".
The units are Not Lock, and they work fine with the f*****ing PC Windows 7 ..... WTF ????
Looks like I'ma have to upgrade to Lion...
No way Mr. Pulse If you cant help me Im in big trouble ... Nothing to Say ???? You are my last Hope.
No, literally, I'm installing Lion right now so I can see if there are any differences in the settings or configuration. I'll keep you posted.
@Pulse > This is odd if it's actually Lion... I was playing on Lion for all of last week and didn't have a single issue. Might have been something with the RB transfer between W7 and Lion if that's what happened though?
For what it's worth... I'm running OS X Lion10.7.2 & rekordbox 1.5.1 and I have no problem with dropping tracks to my CDJ-2000's and DJM-2000.
I do not hink its has anything to do with transfering from Win7.
I just migrated all my computer(data, settings, applications ect) from my old macbookpro with which i was using Lion to my new macbookpro with Lion obviously. Was working fine until i tried to open on my new computer.....!? All other applications work fine.....
So yes it does work on Lion but seems that it works randomly....
I also tried the datafile changing name trick (.old)... It opened a few seconds longer but also crashes...
When r they planning to release 1.5.2???
Right, just installed Rekordbox 1.5.1 on my borther's pc (macbokpro13 i5 4G ram osx 10.7.2) and it works fine with wifi enabled.
Doesn't work on mine (macbookpro13 i7 8G ram osx 10.7.2) wifi disabled/enabled/sound card pluged-unpluged ect).....
I'm thinking it definitely has to do with the transfer from win7 to to Lion, I thought you couldn't transfer databases/playlists from windows to mac or vice versa do to the fact that the music is in a different path, for example:
c:\MUSIC\HIP HOP... for pc
/MUSIC/HIP HOP.... for mac
the database in RB on lion is now reading your files with the "C" drive in the start of it, RB can load the track within it's internal player but not to the decks. I had this same issue when I moved my playlists and music from my Macbook to a pc to test some things, the paths were similar but Mac and PC have different ways of mapping drives
Juan, Please try going to you folder where your music lies and dragging a track from there into a new blank RB playlist, once in RB try loading to CDJ, this will eliminate if it is a path issue from the files that were moved from pc to mac. Again, there was never any successful way to transfer your RB playlists/folders from one platform to another
ok but what about my issue then...Any ideas?
whats exactly is not working on yours, it's not too clear. You may want to start a new thread being that the issue is probably different from the OP
@Juan > Did you bother to try any of the other suggestions I made or just the "LOCK" switch?
Did you try the following:
Do not drag any files to the CDJ's. Instead, when your CDJ's are connected, press the blue "LINK" button on your CDJ so that it lights up. Then let me know if you are able to see your Rekordbox collection on that CDJ.
Try connecting 1 of your CDJ's directly to your computer running Rekordbox via LAN cable. Unplug one of the CDJ-2000's out of the DJM-2000, then plug that LAN cable directly into your computer, and see if you are able to connect and access your Rekordbox collection on the CDJ.
Do a quick search in Rekordbox for missing files. In Rekordbox, under "File", click "Display All Missing Files" and see if it cannot find some files in their directories.
@Wonky Yick > Could you provide a bit more information on what exactly isn't working? i.e. Rekordbox crashes, can't locate files, can't connect to CDJ's via LINK, can connect to CDJ's but can access collection, etc...
Well. My issue is that Rbox keeps crashing when attempting to open the application.
What i find really interesting is that i've just upgraded my macbook pro and it was working fine before. [13" core 2 duo 2.66 4G ram] to a [13" i7 2.8 8G ram].
Used the migration assistant so i thought of a path issue but deleted and reinstalled Rekordbox and still get the error message...
On the other hand, as i mentioned my brother has got a 13" i5 4Gram and it works fine for him....
@Wonky Yick > You said you keep getting the "error message"? What does the error message say?
When you deleted Rekordbox, did you also delete the hidden "PIONEER" folder to completely reset the program?
I didnt delete it no... Gonna try now> The error message is this :
Process: Rekordbox [719]
Path: /Applications/rekordbox 1.5.1.app/Contents/MacOS/Rekordbox
Identifier: com.pioneer.rekordbox
Version: (
Code Type: X86 (Native)
Parent Process: launchd [115]
Date/Time: 2011-12-03 17:38:25.396 +0100
OS Version: Mac OS X 10.7.2 (11C74)
Report Version: 9
Didn't crash... I feel so stupid that i didnt try this before.... Thx a lot.... :) Just a quick question.... can i use rekordbox synched with my cdj850 with te usb cable or is the app just for sorting tracks before djing?
@Wonky Yick > No worries, just give it a try and hopefully everything goes well. :)
Unfortunately no you cannot use the CDJ-850's via USB with Rekordbox. You can only export tracks through Rekordbox to a USB device, and plug that into the top of the CDJ-850's. You will also need 2 USB devices since the CDJ-850's cannot link and share the same source.
Yes Rekordbox is pretty much just for music management, and can be used as a device with the CDJ-900's and CDJ-2000's since they have the LINK connections.
@Foster~ "can be used as a device with the CDJ-900's and CDJ-2000's since they have the LINK connections" .. Not sure what you mean there.. With a minijack ?
@Wonky Yick > My apologies as that is confusing. With the Ethernet/LAN connection on the back of the CDJ-900's and CDJ-2000's.
They are the "Pro DJ Link" feature, and mostly they are called the "LINK" connections on the forums.
The mini-jack would be the "Control" connection, as it allows for Fader Start on compatible DJM mixers. However the DJM-900 does not include any of these "Control" inputs, as they use the Fader Start over the LAN connection with compatible CDJ's. :)
Ok, thx for the info :) Havent payed much attention to this feature... Sounds fun though... I have a pair of 850 and a djm700 which is already loads of fun ! :) Just got a few weeks ago and i have been struggling to make rekordbox work as a lot of usb devices aren't working properly with the desks without creating playlists through rekordbox...
@Wonky Yick > No worries, I'm glad to help. :)
Yes the LINK feature is great!
Have you checked the forums for similar issues as the USB devices must be formatted to specific formats, CDJ's will only read the first partition so it's best to only have 1, and make sure there are no additional manufacturer software or hidden partitions on the devices. Also, it's best to use 3rd party applications to reformat and partition drives on Windows, but in Mac you can just use Disk Utility.
Also, using Rekordbox analyzed files ensures optimal performance on CDJ's, as the waveform loads instantly, you can save loops and cues in Rekordbox and call them up on the CDJ's.
For a tip when exporting in Rekordbox, watch Pulse's video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOcSkD4oDyo
And it might be good for future issues, if you're not sure if problems are exactly related, it's best to start your own thread; as you may have noticed we have hijacked this thread from @Juan.
@Juan > My apologies for taking over your thread. You're issue is back on task now with Pulse taking care of you. But it would be good to try the things I mentioned as it can help Pulse diagnose the issue more. :)
@yannick > "When r they planning to release 1.5.2???" - Right before it's announced on these forums. ;) No guarantee it's called "1.5.2" either.
Come on guy I never said that I transfer any files from any Windows 7 I just said that the units work fine with another computer running Windows 7.
With my old Snow Leopard everything run perfectly the only change was the upgrade to LION.
I know that some of you are Working with LION with any trouble but this is not my case.
Any other help ????? PULSE are you running LION all READY ?????
Im getting crazy with this dum error the crazzy thing is that I can listen to files dropo n the mixer with the Link – CUE option using my headphonnes.
@Juan Carlos : "I'm thinking it definitely has to do with the transfer from win7 to to Lion" was refering to Brichi...
Regarding the OSX Lion issue, it has been sorted for me by deleting the hidden folders as suggested by Foster. You probably tried this already...