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Rekordbox 2.0.1 not working with Mixed in Key (updating key tag/field)

So I use the Camelot system with Mixed in Key. After analyzing my tracks in MIK I would then import to rekordbox, reload tags, and then voila...I would have the camelot notation in the key field in rekorbox. Now with 2.0.1, this doesn't work anymore. The key field remains blank. I still have a version of 1.6.2 and the key field still updates so my computer/mixed in key settings are correct for this to work. I hope this is not done on purpose and its just a bug from introducing the new key detection in rekordbox.

Also regarding 2.0.1, it seems to do a much better job at gridding tracks. Looking back at my other tracks not analyzed in 2.0.1, a lot more of them are off. There doesn't seem to be a way to "re-analyze" tracks either so how can I go about updating my grids without doing every track manually?

Last question while I'm still here. Is the new first beat marker only useful on the new 2000 nexus as they now have sync? Is it useful to have the first beat marker set up correctly for other CDJs as well?


Tarek Shbib




@Tarek > I'm guessing this was made possible so as to enable the traffic light system through standard notation. If you wish to benefit from this, I would encourage you to get MiK to write the tags to the Comments field and then have rekordbox analyse the key.

I will, of course, report this to the dev team.

To re-analyse tracks simply right click them and choose Re-Analyse. Select multiple tracks to re-analyse them in batches.

By first beat marker, do you mean the red beat indicating the start of a bar? This is a rekordbox update that has been added automatically.

Gavin 0 票
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@ Gavin - could you check if this was a bug and will be fixed,as I currently use the key field to sort by the Camelot value from mik - by far the easiest way to mik on a cdj 2000 imo

We cant sort by comments field can we? - so I'm better not to upgrade at present, Thus missing out on better beat gridding which is disappointing...

cdjbasile 0 票
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Thanks for replying Gavin. Actually, I already write the tags to the comments and also the key field. It's more ideal for me to have it in the key field  for rekordbox since i can view it in the info screen on my cdj 900s when playing a track.. If i just wrote the key to the comments then the key field would be blank on my cdjs which is a bummer. Anyways, I've resorted to just putting in the keys manually but it would be nice if it worked like it used to and updated when reloading tags in rekordbox. 

Tarek Shbib 0 票
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I have the same huge problem, normally I put all my tracks through mixed in key and add the key to the comment field. But in Rekordbox 2.0.1 i won't show the all the keys added in the comment field in iTunes. See the link: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/779019/Rekordbox.PNG

Will this bug be fixed soon? In the version before the new one, everything worked absolutely perfect, of course I like the new features in the new version.  

Kasper Højbjerg Hansen 0 票
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I am having the same problem and it is very annoying. Having to manually enter the key for e/a song when all I had to do was reload tags is unbelievable. I just really really hope this gets fixed, because this is just a lot of work when it used to be super easy before. 

FSR 0 票
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I understand the "upgrade" aspect, but this just shows how out of touch the engineers are. The camelot system has pretty much been the standard, so the least Pioneer could have done is allow the users to choose in RB preferences which notation they want to use. The workaround I've been using myself is using mp3tag to batch insert the camelot notation into the album field that (I presume) no one uses. The album field not only can be used within the RB, but since by default it's displayed on the player's screens, all you need is a quick glance at the player to see the key of the track being currently played.

kooba 0 票
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The worrying thing for me is that in my 2012 playlist alone over 50 of 170 tunes the key rb has analysed does not match the Camelot value equivalent that mik gave

cdjbasile 0 票
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Here's the basic methodology that I've been using for a while, in case it helps others:

  1. Purchase / download tracks, and put them in a unique folder
  2. Drag folder of new tracks into iTunes sidebar (this imports the tracks & creates a new playlist with them)
  3. Select all tracks in the new playlist, and edit Info (Cmd+I); Clear the "Comments" field and click OK
  4. Drag the already-selected tracks from iTunes straight into MIK and wait for MIK to finish processing them
  5. Back in iTunes, right-click the still-selected tracks, choose "Convert ID3 Tags…" (use newest version), click OK;
  6. Converting the ID3 tags refreshes the tags and should bring in new info from MIK (set MIK to override "Comments")
  7. Edit your track tags in iTunes (confirm genre, add rating, category, grouping, artwork, etc.)
  8. Import playlist into rekordbox via Bridge function
  9. Select tracks and use "Reload Tags" to help rekordbox get all the info it inexplicably misses when you import

To "copy" the Camelot values from the Comments field to the Key field, you can sort the playlist (or your entire collection) by Comments, which makes selecting all your 7A tracks (for example) really simple. Even if most of them already have 7A in the Key field as well, you can open the Info pane and add "7A" in the key field to update the ones that don't.

This method works fairly well, but it doesn't solve all the issues. My biggest frustration is that rekordbox only imports ratings information once—upon the initial import.  After that, if you update your ratings info in iTunes, you're SOL, since rekordbox seems to have no way to pull in updated ratings info. (Neither Reload Tags nor Get Info from iTunes works). This means you have 3 options: 1) manually update every track (no thanks), 2) accept having no ratings info (or old ratings info) when you're playing on the CDJs (no thanks), or 3) delete all the updated tracks from your rekordbox library so you can re-import them (and re-create playlists which included them, etc.) in hopes of getting the right info to show up (double-no-thanks).

Please, can we put this near the top of the priority list of fixes?  I've been asking for 2 years.

Warth 0 票
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Come on Pioneer!  You can't outlaw MiK and the Camelot system!

As mentioned above, an option in RB preferences would seem like the sensible option.

Mirage77 0 票
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Good post Warth, I also hate the fact that they can't update rating. currently, I go by option 2 (no thanks), but I do most of my re-ratings inside rekordbox which means that inside rekorbox I have the latest information available, but that my original files do not get updated (so I do not have accurate ratings when I use other programs).

For a related post: http://forums.pioneerdj.com/entries/20988958-rekordbox-doesn-t-reload-rating-tag

hope they can fix this!

s_decoster 0 票
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Please fix this or post the old version so I can use it. The new features are great but not at the expense of wasting so much time just so that I can add the camelot info to the key field. :(

edamage 0 票
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@Warth et al > The engineers have asked me to point out that you can re-read the rating star set with iTunes after importation by choosing the "Get Info from iTunes" option in the context menu.

Gavin 0 票
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Any fix on Rekordbox not importing the Mixed In Key Song Key (ex: 5B in Mixed In Key reads as Eb in Rekordbox.

Jason Videna 0 票
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I upgraded from 1.6.X to 2.0.2 and now I also have this problem that the key tag, analyzed and filled by MIK5.5, is not loaded into the key field of RB anymore. Even not after manually reloading the tag data!

Gavin, Pulse, is this a bug since version 2.0.1 or is this done on purpose? And if so: WHY?

DeAl66 0 票
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@ DeAl -  this is exactly the problem I am having with mine, so i will follow this thread now.  A general question though, why do Pioneer remove useful functionality in new releases of rekordbox?? having read through some of the posts heres it seems to be a very 1 step forward 2 step back approach to the development of rekordbox, its seems a bit ludicrous to me. .

Steve Marx 0 票
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This issue has become a real hassle for my partner and I as well. We have CDJ-900's, which only show the key field on screen. We used to have CDJ-850's (and still use them from time to time) which only show the comments field on screen. Because of this, we prefer to have Mixed In Key tag the comments field as well as the key filed, but due to Rekordbox's new "functionality," we must manually copy all of Mixed In Key's tags from the comments field to the key field upon import into Rekordbox. Without doing this, we cannot ensure that the proper key information (coded by Mixed In Key based on the camelot wheel) will be available on every Pioneer media player we use (CDJ-850's and up). It would be nice if a Pioneer employee could at least acknowledge that they are aware of the issue and working towards a solution for customers that use their products in this way...


Brad Turner 0 票
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Ok - haven't visited this post in a while, but everything is working soundly for me now.  Process as follows:

  1.  Import newly purchased music into a dated folder (just cos thats how I catalogue my tunes)

  2.  Have MixedInKey 5.5 analyse the files.  (Preferences:  store key result, after comments, update initial key tag)

  3.  Now import the folder directly into Rekordbox, not using itunes bridge (not sure if that makes a difference)

(Rekordbox now shows correct camelot key in the key field, without the need for manual editing)

  1.  Check BPM and beatgrids in Rekordbox, add cue points etc.

  2.  Import into itunes, just as a backup.

Using this method, I can now throw the new music onto my memory stick, and search by camelot key on my CDJ-900s.

Job done.  Hope this helps.

Mirage77 0 票
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Well I've checked my preferences in rekordbox and under the General tab, 'Enable Key Analysis on Import' is unchecked.

I guess that's how.

Mirage77 0 票
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Cheers. I def turned that off in 2.0.1 but maybe when I upgraded to 2.0.2 it turned back on by default

cdjbasile 0 票
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Hey , does anyone know how to link my usb to rekord box? On the side panel on rekordbox at the bottom all I have is a circle with a + in the middle. When I put a new usb for the first time in it says" usb must be linked ?


Any advice greatly appreciated 

Ricky Gallagher 0 票
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@Tarek Shbib

I know it has been a looooong time since the beginning of the start of this thread, but as I read through I realized the problem wash´t fixed! Or maybe it is by know, however, if someone is still having this problem here is what I did to solve it.

So, I just bought a pair of CDJ850 and a 700 mixer (Pioneer) I have been having trouble myself with MIK and recordbox not showing the MIK key.

It sounds like it was a bug within recordbox 2.0.1 (or Recordbox not being that greatly compatible with MIK 4.0) I just downloaded Recordbox 2.2.0 yesterday and some of my keys where showing up in both record box and in the CDJ player, but not all. Ii turned out that the files actually were MPEG files. So I converted them using iTunes (there are also other programs, iTunes has a article on how to do this on www.apple.com) When that was done I simply reloaded the tags for the songs that didn´t show the key and voilá ! It worked (You could also play the song after reloading if it doesn´t show, then the song file should be (and its ID3 tag data)  refreshed. 

If this does not solve the problem then take the file/files that doesn´t show the key and convert this via iTunes to ID3 tag 2.3 and run the file/files again in recordbox. If this still doesn´t help make sure that you didn´t drag the original file from iTunes with the wrong file format instead of the new with the right file format (.mp3) iTunes won´t erase the original file but simply creates a new one with the selected file format, this leaves you with 2 copies...


Hope this help, Tarek Shbib, otherwise it might be a solution for someone else!


Felix Persson 0 票
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