+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 waveform on aero !
- cue points for aero
ok Gavin/Pulse, this is my rekordbox update wishlist, please pass on to the tekkies behind the curtain..
Some small asks amongst some fairly obviously major ones..
-- Rename track info quicker.. why am i waiting 10 seconds at a time to type in an Artist or Track name? (& it aint my pc speed)
-- Remember beat grid resolution for next time rekordbox is opened.
-- Batch name a category such as 'comments' ( eg shift select a bunch of tracks and rename all their comments at same time).
-- Option to 'Group' Playlists.
-- When in a playlist it would be cool if there was a category gradient like 'rating' but instead 'soft/medium/hard' representing the energy of the music, i know you can use colours but they can get confusing.
-- A way to see if a Track in collection is already in a playlist.
**********XDJ AERO Related...
-- Buffer while playing from usb so a usb swap can be accomplished without stopping music!!
-- Edit track info while linked to aero, info such as rating!!
-- Generalized waveform visible/tracking would be sweet while using aero, nothing too specific.
so thats my lil wishlist if anybody is listening...
ps. while linked to xdj when deck 1 is playing & deck 2 in cue nice touch on the Irish flag ;-)
+1 +1 +1 +1 +1 waveform on aero !
I find typing in to RB to be instant, there was a time when it did lag but I found it was due to background programmes running.
It is possible to do a batch entry just select the first track then shift and click the last track in the list with the mouse
Cue points for me. Waveform is less of an issue (knowing the tunes helps- but I've got used to waveform from VDJ..)
For me;
Multi Threaded Analyis of tracks
I've got 15K of songs, its taking days to analyze. This is on a quad core PC - and I can only see 1 core busy. This is a real big deal for mobile jocks.
Ideally allow users to select the number of threads to use.
I'm yet to really get into the system, so expect more to come over the next few weeks.
@ si, well i have my collection on an sd card as i migrate my collection regularly between desktop & laptop, for the shift select i knew that already but have since realized i have to then right click, select property and edit in the property screen to rename all comments, incidentally it seems that if i rename artist/ track in the same manner (in property screen) its as quick as i would like it to be so my bad for trying to rename in the actual collection section. could have saved myself some time there doh..
cheers for the help, unfortunate that it takes a month to get advice on a said issue around here. :)
The last update is very cool. Thank you guys! But I'm still missing the wave form and hot cues support too. Still waiting for these basic features !!!
MIK Field/Category (instead of showing up in comment field).
Multi Threaded Analyis.
Just multi-core-cpu support....
traffic light for rekordbox, (unless it already exists .. ), not only for the CDJ 2K NXS .. I prefer to load tracks from rekordbox ..
do not introduce bugs and break stuff that was working already (same wish applies to firmware of cdjs too)
@Fredrik you have to fix that from your MIK settings... get it right and it should write the Key into the Key field (reload tags in rekordbox and presto!) :D
The barcounter looks like this and uses the beatgrid / bars to countdown to the next cuepoint.
Will try to show you with a picture..
I think this is NOT a thing for MIK at all, but a thing for Pioneer engineers.
fredrik, madjam was answering your second point. MIK can write to the 'key' field in rekordbox already....
@Phil & maDJjam , have you read my suggestion above ?
copy and paste it if you have NOT : MIK Field/Category (instead of showing up in comment field).
of course i've read it fredrik, it's not totally clear what you are asking for though and it appears like your request can already be done in the current version.
there is a setting in MIK which dictates whether the ky is written in the 'key' field and/or the 'comments' field. it has nothing to do with rekordbox. i use MIK and rekordbox and the key only appears in the 'key' field, not in comments due to the settings i made in MIK.
there will never be a specific 'MIK' field because the technology & camelot system is copyrighted and would need a paid licence to use. anyway the MIK key can already be written in the 'key' field so i'm really not sure what you are asking for - care to explain?
Ok, Thanks Phil.
But my bumping was for "Beat Bar Counter" and that´s what I was focusing on.
What version of MIK do you use for this ? (I havent got the latest update yet).
Sure, let's hope they include the bar counter soon (and traffic light system in rekordbox).
I'm using MIK 6 but I think you've been able to use the key field and not the comments field since v3
Hey Fredrik-- took a screenshot that shows you where the setting is for MIK to write the key ONLY in the Key field- hope this helps
Hi I would like to suggest that Rekordbox put a function "Warp Audio". I use some old school songs like Cymande - Bra, Cece Peniston - Finally and We Got a Love Thing. These songs start off on beat with the beat grid but fall off towards the middle of the song. I think this function would help so I don't have to use Cubase or any other DAW to export and import these songs. Then I would have to re-organize and tag edit and add pictures, etc to the songs. I would be a time saver. Thanks.
Track warping is not something we're likely to see as that function requires a proper editing suite for it to take place. You can set additional grid markers to assist with BPM transitions, but it doesn't help varying tempo of a live drummer too much.
try analysing those old school tracks in 'dynamic' mode terrence. this mode tracks the bpm changes in older tracks where the beats jump a bit out of time. it's kind of like an 'auto warp' function and works really well.
Thanks so much Phil and Pulse, I will try dynamic mode. I new to RekordBox but it is becoming one of my very important tools.
As @Phil said, the dynamic mode is ONLY for live drummers or tracks which don't have a consistent beat. If you use it to analyse a track with a constant beat, it will be out again so you have to take caution and change it as needed.
3.x.x does not properly support high resolution screens on Windows, please fix this. Rows for each track display tiny on my Yoga Pro 2 (3200 x 1800) and there are only more and more screens out there supporting high resolutions. 2.x.x used to display fine.
Have you tried increasing the font size to LARGE within the preferences?
That is not the issue, my font size is set to "Large". I have attached a screenshot of my UI. I have also tried setting setting the Windows program compatibility to "disable display scaling on high DPI settings" which fixes this issue for some programs on Windows 8/8.1.
Yeowch, that is pretty bad. lol
I'll pass the request along to engineers. ;)
Great thanks. I was surprised I hadn't seen this asked yet, and I'd been just waiting for a fix in the recent updates, but I guess the masses are on OSX.
Many are, but I'm expecting that not many of those on Windows are using high-rez displays.
I can also confirm that every time i put rekordbox on my second screen on windows 8.1 (same resolution as my 1st screen, 1080p), it crashes. I don't know if it is related with Lucas "error".