Is there any possibility of downgrading to 2.0.1 without loosing wave forms and cue points? THX
Pioneer, seriously, wtf????
Last night, I played a 5 h set and rekordbox crashed 6 times!!! 6!!! Mountain Loin, MacBook Retina.
And do not even think of exporting tracks to the USB Drive. It crashes and crashes and crashes...
Now, nothing is working an I cannot djing! Thanks Pioneer! How should I play my gig at weekend? Sort your faults out and bring out WORKING STUFF and UPDATES, not updates which make everything more worse than ever. I'm so angry right now!
Is there any possibility of downgrading to 2.0.1 without loosing wave forms and cue points? THX
@Xador > Can you identify any reason it may have crashed?
What do you mean nothing is working? Can you open rekordbox?
First, I've never had promblems with rekordbox before! I Have a MacBook Pro Retina, 10.8.2 running, I use different USB drives and with all I've the same problem. All of them were working perfect till the update. I also formated them, but I did not help.
I crashes when I am exporting tracks to the Drives/Sticks without any reason and without running any other programm as well.
When I'm playing directly from Rekordbox, Rekorbox suddenly losses the link conection. The little link window disapers, music stops playing and all people looking @ you!
Bur the export problem have other users as you can see here in the forum, too!
Gav, how can I downgrade to 2.0.1 without loosing waveforms and cue poits? Please help, because I've tomorrow a gig!
Try to format your USB stick in HFS+ That solved a lot of export issues for me and cut the time needed for a full export from 1.5 hours to 2 minutes.
Mine just "stopped responding" when I imported 43 AAC tracks, Forced a quit, reopened and then it started analyzing the tracks I dragged in.
I have been trying all day to move tracks to a usb - one I've used before with RB and no issues - and the software just keeps crashing and freezing every time I try to do anything on the files in the USB via RB. I am really quite worried about my gig tonight as I have no idea if the tracks I've moved over today will actually play tonight.
@Xador: When I do a larger exports the "progress window" almost never shows up, so it looks like Rekordbox freezes. But it keeps exporting, without visual confirmation, and when done Rekordbox resumes normal operation. Could this be one of your issues?
Same problem here! I have a gig tonight but v2.0.2 keeps crashing on my Mac (Mountain Lion) when copying playlists to my USB stick! HELP!!!!
I want Rekordbox 2.0.1 now!!!!!
Are you kidding me Pioneer? I have a gig in 2 hours. Bunch of amateurs!
I found a solution. If you manually transfer you playlists RB doesn't crash!
Open devices and next to that open your playlists. Go to your first folder in your playlist, select all tracks and drag them to the same folder on your device.
I've just did this for 900+ tracks. No crashes!
I had the same problem and as Pioneer refuses to resolve it or provide v2.0.1 again, I thinkered around a bit and the following fixed it for me (don't ask me why):
Now all transferred without any problems.
Try it! If it works for you, post here so others can try as well.
I doesn't depend on how much tracks you are exporting.
I cannot formate the sticks in HFS+, because I also use sometimes windows.
@ Roberto: I have about 4000 tracks analyzed and corrected wave forms and set cue points... I do not want to do this again! This will cost me about 1 week or more.
Oh, and thanks Pioneer for your help! I have to use yesterday traktor from a friend's laptop! THX a lot, that no product from you is now working as it should (CDJ 2000, DJM 2000, Rekordbox)!!! Please, maybe it would be possible to broke my HDJ 2000 as well!
I experienced the same thing. Exporting to USB about halfway through crashes. Only about 900+ tracks.
I managed to get around it by exporting individual playlists, but that was tedious. Also I updated the waveform information on my USB stick by right-clicking the stick in RB. This worked, but it renamed all my playlists to some random "tempXXXXXXXXX" name.
Stop gap solution: at least give users the option to revert back to 2.0.1 while bugs are being fixed in 2.0.2. It's only fair and many software developers have had to do a similar thing.
@Xador: reanalyzing and setting cue points is onluy required for new files. In my case that were about 5. 5 files which I converted from "Purchsed ACC Audi File" to MP3.
Same problem here. Have a gig in 4 hours and if I export my music RB crashes.
How is it possible that Pioneer keeps ignoring this?! 2K a player ffs!
@Goonz > I've emailed many users who have had problems. We don't appreciate being called a "bunch of amateurs". We'll do our best to help you as fast as we can. Regardless of your frustrations, please don't insult us.
When can we expect an update? Or at least a rollback to 2.0.1?
Tomorrow I have another gig it would be nice if I can use rekordbox before that. Can you please sent an e-mail with 2.0.1?
I'd appreciate an e mail with that download link in, too please Gavin - I have gigs this weekend, Boxing day and new year's eve and I have a lot of music I'll need to prepare for then - I can't use Traktor at two of them, so if it's posible to get a reinstall for the previous version, I would very much appreciate it.
I can understand your frustration guys, but not everybody has this crash problem. I updated to 2.0.2, formated a USB and exported every folder to the newly formated USB and everything is working fine. Im running on Windows 7 64bit, are you guys using MAC or older Windows? Have you tried to reinstall RB? Tried another USB? Reboot the computer and shutting down processes as much as possible?
Im not trying to be "smart" here and as I said, I understand your frustration, but not all are having these problems...
Hopefully this will be ironed out soon. Press on play all!
@Gavin, let me me get that straight. You guys mess up and we are supposed to be all nice about that? On top of that you are saying you are not willing to help me out because i am mad over your fault?
You release a buggy beta software right before the weekend!!
As a customer we have right too you know. Who do you thinks pays for the salary at your company? DJ's who buy your gear and push your gear to the clubs.
I think there are enough users here complaining to indicate that there IS a problem. Just because everybody isn't having the same problem doesn't make this right. A piece of software that is released to a community of users is supposed to work for everybody. Have a look at what Native Instruments do when they release new editions of Traktor and there are problems. Putting this out right before the weekend when a lot of DJs need to get their music in order caused a lot of us issues whilst we were WORKING - DJ-ing for many of us is not a hobby, it's part of our livelihood and to be placed in an embarrassing situation during a set through no fault of our own, is not good. It's not really feasible to get on the mike and apologise for software crashing or playing the same song twice in a set, because your update hasn't worked and its transferred files incorrectly. People assume it's the DJ making errors. I had to cut my set short on Saturday because I couldn't rely on the files I had transferred being right. I still do not understand why pioneer will not send us a link to re-install the previous version, whilst the bugs in the new version are investigated. Perhaps Gavin can shed some light on this? I am a big supporter of Pioneer products , from CDJs to Headphones, and I have always previously found their products to be very good indeed. But it wouldn't hurt for Pioneer to listen to their supporters and customers NOW and give us a reinstall of the previous version....
@Goonz, - Gavin is not directly responsible for the problems people are having with Rekordbox, and from what I can see he is doing everything he can to help. It would be just as pointless for you to go into an apple store and start ranting at a store manager about a fault with your operating system, as if he personally programed it.
I get that everyone here is pissed... But also guys, take some responsibility. It can't suddenly be a matter of life or death, that your Rekordbox doesn't work. If it is then you should have made a back up.. or like me, just chill for a few days and hover on the forum to see if there are any problems with the update, and then decide whether to do it. Come on people... We have all walked this road before. Surly no one here can claim this is the first stupid face you have made after a Rekordbox update. Yes Yes we all deserve better, but who here is shocked....
I think Pioneer has become a disgrace with this whole Rekordbox debacle (although it is way better then it was), and its too easy to be proved right on that, by seeing some chaos erupt from the people who updated. The dinosaur speed for software and firmware fixes beggars belief. There is no way they could be like this if they had competition to worry about. I have suffered and shouted in the past, now I trust Pioneer that little, I didn't update and I will happily sit this rant out in the 'unaffected' corner, but I do feel all your pain.
Hello All
I'm having the same crash issue when I simply try to export a playlist (less than a hundred tracks) to my USB. Hopefully It is still ok to drag and drop tracks one by one which I can do while Pioneer give us an update (soon I hope, not very convenient so far)
Macbook Pro 2012 i7, 16Gb, OSX 10.8.2
Like @Taang says, not everyone has this crash problem. I'm running rekordbox on a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.8.2 and for me is the most stable version of rekordbox that has been released. I haven't had a single crash.
I've exported four separate playlists with WAV, MP3, AAC and AIFF files to my Corsair Flash Voyager USB stick without any problems. All my tracks are purchased from iTunes, Beatport and Junodownload.
A difference could be that I'm not exporting several hundred tracks at once, each of my playlists contains 10-30 tracks.
I know this doesn't help you guys but I think it's important to tell other forum readers that not everyone has this problem.
@Oakstream, it doesn't crash because you seem to have a newer version that we do have, where did you get it? So far I'm stuck with 2.0.2 and I'm not being asked to update
@Tortue No. it's the latest public release from the rekordbox site, you see the version number when you download. See attached picture.
I have been holding off posting until I could test properly but I have to agree with oakstream here v. seems to the most stable it has been for me, versions and both crashed like anything for me just in general use closing/opening and exporting random made up playlists but I have been using v. lots getting ready for an end of the world party on friday and I have not had one crash and everything seems to be working fine. W7 x64, 3GB quad core 4yr old crappy desktop
That said since the previous versions crashed and had random errors for me, I did start from a fresh and I re-imported my library and re-created the playlists, formatted my usb sticks and re-exported the tunes. I have left rekordbox not to analyse the key of the tunes because I already have that set by MIK
Again like oakstream says I know this doesn't help the people it is crashing for but I think it's important to says it isn't happening for everyone
Fine for me aswell. Tho I use the tools to check the mp3s before import and format also as advised