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Please amend rekordbox to allow dj to manually cue platter in a playlist!

It's been mentioned before especially by Bri-Chi, can a small gap be placed between the start of the track and the first beat to enable the dj to cue the track manually back and forth using the platter (or scratch back and forth)? This only applies to tracks in a playlist, I am able to cue the track manually if I choose a single track from "Genre" for example. The problem is that when you cue the track manually, you end up in the previous track in your playlist. Apparently rival cd decks have been able to implement this feature, is there any reason why this cannot be added in an update to rekordbox?

@Gavin, in a previous thread you had hoped this feature would be implemented in the last rekordbox update, any reason why it wasn't?






they dont even need to add a space, just allow the deck wheel to not stop dead at the 00;00;00 mark, like real vinyl if i spin the record back to the beginning have some space between tracks, they just need to allow it to spin back and not go to the previous track on the MK1's, On the nexus they dont go back because there is an option for Continue/single, but even with that it's impossible to scratch at the beginning of a track if the beat starts at 00;01 cause the deck will drift like crazy. The competitors all can do it, why not these?!?!?!

BriChi 0 票
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concur.  this is terribly annoying... a simple setting to prevent back cueing into the previous track would work, but for scratching, you want it to back-cue into that amount of silence for the same vinyl feel.  And no, you don't need to fill the space with fake surface noise;)

pope 0 票
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Any chance that one of the Pioneer reps can investigate if this can be implemented?  Should I contact Pioneer directly for example?

As I mentioned before Gavin felt that this would have been included in the last rekordbox update, can it be included in the next one? Please!


endorphin 0 票
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In my opinion this is something that needs to be implemented on the CDJ, not rb. Just have the CDJ wheel not stop at the beginning of the track when spinning back, give it some room so you can wheel back a little before a track starts if needed like Denon does. Denons models are perfect when it comes to this

BriChi 0 票
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BriChi, do you reckon I should re-post this on the cdj 2000 forum? Posted it here as gavin had previously stated that he felt it would be addressed in the last rekordbox update.

It really is crazy if as you say the denon models have this feature but the best cd decks don't!

endorphin 0 票
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  1. where did Gavin mention this? just curious


  1. Yes, On a denon deck when a track is loaded it auto cues like normal but you can also back spin a little to to compesate for "sticker drift", Same as serato, if you back spin in serato it just spins back into a blank area so you have leway to scratch on the first beat, None of pioneers decks do this and they should, Any dj I know that scratches HATES that this cannot be done and goes right back to serato for hip hop stuff they cut up

  2. I guess RB can put a "blank" 2 second space at the beginnning of every track but it would be easier to just let the cdj spin back more, putting a 2 second space on each track in RB doesnt help people that use cd's or don use rb for their tracks

once I am home I will look a lot more into videos, maybe pioneer just doesnt understan this being that I doubt their engineers are actual dj's

i actually just thought of something, again, once I am home i will make a comparison video comparing how easy it is to scratch in serato on the first beat vs how hard it is on the CDJ

I remember too at one of the shows this summer one of the scratch big name dj's gave the decks a thumbs down because of this too so I am shocked this is still not implemented

BriChi 0 票
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Was trying to find Gavin's comment there but with not knowing the exact name of the thread it's like trying to find a needle in a haystack. Will keep trying, would be handy if he would chirp in though.

Yes mate, a video with a comparison would be great if you find the time.

endorphin 0 票
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ok, here's a video i just shot quick, Please do not judge the scratching part, it was just to prove a point

you can see in Serato I can scratch like crazy on the first beat without my hand having to drift yet on the cdj because there is no play in the beginning, My hand drifts like crazy all the way around the deck to keep the scratch where it should be



BriChi 0 票
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I'd like to be able to set the cue in the back cue area, this makes up for tracks that have a truncated start, or start off-beat in such a way that there is less than a full phrase in the intro.  I hate having to count off or anticipate such a drop.

pope 0 票
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no problem, now hopefully it's understood and this gets added, it's so frustrating

@endorphin, you may want to change the title too to something more like "can the cdj spin back past the beginning of a track" or something along that line, All the reps may see is a bs suggestion thread and skip right over it. In my opinion, this is horrible and more and more dj's trying to use RB bitch about this

even mixvibes who makes RB givers their software a blank lead in to every track like the pic below

BriChi 0 票
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No, please don't open another thread. The suggestion has been put forward to the engineers already.

Gavin 0 票
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@Gavin No, there won't be another thread, I just retitled this thread.

Gavin you had mentioned in a previous thread that there was a possibility this would be addressed in the last rekordbox update. Had the engineers hinted that it was in line to be implemented or what?


endorphin 0 票
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Performed an experiment where I imported a track using the XML interface where I set the first cue to be -0.100 seconds.  In recordbox, the cue point appeared where I expected, just before the track starts (in RB, it keeps you from manually entering a point before 0.00.)   When the track is exported to USB, my 2000 classic (latest firmware) does not see the cuepoint, which is expected behavior (to it, there is nothing before 0.00.)  

This tells me that the database does indeed handle negative time values with appropriate display.  The user interface in Rekordbox would need to be modified to allow negative time entries for cues.  The CDJ family (as well as Aero) would need to be modified to allow 'pre-roll' to deal with negative time and back cueing.

pope 0 票
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@pope Thanks for that, this again proves that the feature could be implemented with a few tweaks like has been done on other rival cd decks. I personally miss manually cueing tracks (whilst in a playlist) like you do vinyl decks.

@Gavin As asked before, you had mentioned that you felt this feature would be implemented on the last rekordbox update. Had the engineers hoped that it would have been implemented but could not do so or what happened?


endorphin 0 票
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Yes this is a great idea,on the CDJ-350's its even more annoying, because when you are scratching the platter BEFORE 00;00;00, it will load up the previous track, which even causes delay so I'm just unable to scratch... 

DJ HeroS 0 票
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Hi, any update on this being implemented?  Have the engineers discussed this and decided not to implement or is it in the pipeline?  As mentioned before, denon cd decks are able to facilitate this feature, surely the top brand can do so too?



endorphin 0 票
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Hi, any update on this please?  I would like to know if the engineers have given any feedback on whether this will be implemented and if so when?


endorphin 0 票
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