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Error codes - are they posted anywhere?

are the error codes, and what they mean posted anywhere.

i saw codes from 2008 posted on a blog. wondering if an updated

version exists. if not can pioneer post it up on this forum?





The error codes and their description circulate aroud the web and I believe some of them are listed in Manuals as well.

If you are talking about the new codes on the 2000 with the extra description.. they are not going to be posted because they are for diagnosis and troubleshooting for the engineers only..

Pulse, Gavin Correct me if I'm wrong 

Benno Revelli 0 票
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@DubLn > @BeatUnite  is correct. The general error codes are included in the manuals and point to some typical problems that may arise e,g, an unreadable CD or other unreadable media for example.

The extra error codes on the new generation players are to facilitate the engineers in closer identifying arising issues. These are not available to the public (and wouldn't serve advantage to the user if they were, either).

Gavin 0 票
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