Strange issue I believe mine is working fine..
Did you tried other tracks?
ive updated my firmware over the weekend from 4.01 to 4.04 and now im having a problem with the time remaining not showing up at all. ive attached a video of it so that you can see the problem in action and suggest a fix or why the problem is occuring. the track is a custom track ive created in pro tools to teach the basics of beat matching, this particular track goes for 33 mins and the bpm is set to change briefly at random intervals just enough to throw the beat out of place. so far its only been this track that ive seen it on, i have other tracks that have worked fine... also custom made in pro tools
Strange issue I believe mine is working fine..
Did you tried other tracks?
Yeah i have tried other tracks and so far it seem it be an isolated incident. i've only had the update on for a couple of days so far and only just encountered this problem now. im hoping that it doesn't happen again. but i figured it was defiantly worth pointing out that there could be a problem.
@Wizza > Could you use a service like YouSendIt to send me a copy of that file so I can pass it to the engineers to see why it might be doing that?
which file do you want a copy of? do you want the video file where you can see the track playing up or a copy of the actual track that was playing when the problem occurred?
The actual track please! I'll see if I can replicate it here, if so, I'll forward it along to Japan for analysis.
here is the track that caused the error to occur, i had burnt it to a cd-r in a standard audio format. not as the mp3 it is. any more queries please dont hesitate to ask
have you had any luck with replicating the problem or why it might be happening? i have now had it doing the same thing on the cdj 2000 while in the club and running rekordbox. i have a video of that too but it doesn't really give any new information, just shows it happening. i dont even remember what song i was playing at the time... i tried reloading the track at a later date and it was fine.
@Wizza > The consensus is that it must be how the CD was burned because a CD burn of the file into CD-Audio as well as playing the MP3 you provided were both accurately showing the time remaining, in both CDJ-900's and CDJ-2000's.
that doesn't account for it doing it on the cdj 2000s via the pro dj link the other night on a totally different song. overall im not too concerned its not something i have to rely on. It was just something i thought was a bit strange and wanted to know if it has affected anyone else or of they were able to explain why this might have happened. the easiest way to fix it at the moment is to just reload the track and its all good.
cheers for looking into it though
@Wizza > Obviously over link that would be a different file causing the problem; as you're the only one to report it, I can't say for certain what it might be. If it becomes more regular or you find any pattern to it, please let us know.
bom eu adquiri as cdj 900 estou satisfeito, as minhas estao com a atualizaçao 4.04 , gostaria de saber se tem alguma versao que o bpm aparece os decimos por exemplo 130.2 bpm se tiver favor mandar estao versao para meu e- mail ualasribeiro@hotmail.com
@ualas > Sorry but the display is not able to show decimal places.
Hey ! I've got CDJ-900 at home, the REMAIN time don't want to be displayed at home but in a club with the same CDJ it works... what's the problem ? Thank you
Press this button once to toggle REMAIN / ELAPSED modes:
Hey Benjamin,
I'm guessing you know how to toggle remain / elapsed with the button. Are you referring to taking your own gear from home to the venue? Or its not working on your home gear but it works on venue gear? Either way I'd start with seeing what's different. Firmware?, are they linked? Are you using USB or rekordbox?
My problem from years ago fixed itself with a firmware update.
Hello Everyone,
I’m working with USB and I analyse all my track on Recordbox by using the Sync Manager. I don't use the Link mode.
I know how to toggle remain / elapsed with the button.
At the venue, it was their own CDJ-900 (same as me) and it was working correctly and at home, with my own CDJ-900 it don’t work…
I did all the update (4.32)…
Is that the same on two players or just one? If it's just one unit, it's likely an issue with the button itself.
It's the same for the two players ...
Can you shoot a video to show what's happening?
Yes for sure ! I will send you a WeTransfer with the video
@Ben > How long is that track's total length?
6m16s but this same track worked normally (remain time) on the venue CDJ 900 where I mixed ... !
The track playback length timer makes it look like that track is significantly longer as it remains at the first segment of the track length for the entire video. Can you please try formatting the USB drive, give it a new (unique) name, and export again to see if those tracks will display properly?
I just did it, still the same problem !
And yes, the track segment always stay at the beginning... for every track
I've asked our engineers to take a look.
Thank you !
Hey Ben, you're not loading the track from the FOLDER view, are you?
Hey ! When i’m loading a track on the CDJ, I chose «Playlist»