I'll wait also so comments about 'stability' of this firmware ...
Firmware from 4.11 to 4.20
- Certain restricted features of CDJ-2000nexus when using with CDJ-2000/CDJ-900 become available:
-- KEY indicators
I'll wait also so comments about 'stability' of this firmware ...
this is really great news gonna try this out today!!!.
Hopefully it works great. Pioneer Thanks!!!!
I did not expect this but you are the best.
I cant wait to have more firmwawre uprades for the old cdj2000
I am just waiting if the slip mode also comes to the cdj2000 and the emergency loop.
Please let the cdj2000 old model have the emergency loop, that would be great
Hmm i just read that this only works if there is a cdj2000 nexus attached????
So that means if you dont have a nexus it wont work? or what?
It's not exactly "hot cue auto load" but it's very nice and much faster than befor. I think that could be done on those players, and it is. Very nice Pioneer.
Niels you can not expect slip mode, because it is a hardware thing.. Same is emergency loop (i think). And no, this fw works on cdj 2000, they dont need to be connected with nexus. It says cdj 2000 are now compactible with nexus (if you cennect them to a network together).
Dear Tasos,
ah alright so everything works on it, how is the waveform?? does that work good?
And well ofcourse i dont expect it but i still want it haha. So maybe it is not a hardware thing, and the can still put it on the old cdj.
Gr niels
Well i just grade the firmware up.
But i dont see a waveform zoom?
The auto load well i still need to press the reccord button under the hot cue buttons bevore its there??
And what is auto loop? and the key indicators?
I am also not able to find these new things?!? How can I activate them?
There seems to be some confusion. These aren't new features of the CDJ-2000 or 900, this update allows these functions to be available to the CDJ2000nexus when using a CDJ2000 or 900.
If you read it again:
Certain restricted features of CDJ-2000nexus (when using with CDJ-2000/CDJ-900) become available.
So in short this is no use to anyone that doesn't have a nexus?
Boo :'(
This is not nice PIoneer,
I did the firmware update but for what? So that wheeen i have a cdj 2000 nexus it works if not it wont.
So dont get the point why this is possible.
Come on Pioneer add some features that will work just stand alone with the old cdj2000 and not in link with the nexus.
Do I get it right? Is this the expected update for the CDJ 2000 in hope of new functions? Is this the update you guys told us we have to wait for to get "some of the nexus features"? Seriously, are you kidding?
And do I see it right, that there will be no new functions now and in the future anyway?
Gavin, whatever! Still the load of hot cues is improved. I don't need to long press the button for hot cues to became available. And they load much faster.
So from this it seems to indicate that the cdj2000s are capable of these features but need linked to a nexus to 'unlock them'...
Who ever wrote 'expect nothing and you wont be disappointed' in 1 of the recent threads was certainly right!
So the ideal halfway setup is 1 cdj 2000 and 1 cdj 2000 nexus to get these features working?
For me personally i think im finished with pioneer - Too many overpriced, undersupported products.
cdjbasile you got it worng my friend. They are not capable to this features, this update has been done for those who have cdj 2000, and nexus also, and wannt to link them all together, so it is most a compatibility update, if you link them all together, you not loose any of the existing features of the nexus.
And still i think hot cue loading at the 2000's is improved.
LOL ! The most useless (Pio needs money, so go buy new products) 'update' ever ...
P.S. next chapter gonna be for the flagship ( oh really ? ) djm2000 as we only see 900nxs in official vids ...
Still the load of hot cues is improved. I don't need to long press the button for hot cues to became available. And they load much faster.
they dont auto load though correct?
No there is no auto loading. But try it out, much better than befor.
Of course we won't get Nexus functionality on the CDJ2000's .. if you want that you have to buy a Nexus. It's all about business.
No there is no auto loading. But try it out, much better than befor.
I have the Nexus now, I was just curious because some of my friends still have the mk1, thank you
btw, there is no reason at all why they cannot add auto load to the 2000mk1, all they are doing in the nexuse is telling the fw to follow the same steps we manually do, it's all in the code. Its not like the hot starts are instantly available when the track loads, on the nexus when you load a track it loads, then you see each hot start load 1 by 1 in the same time and order the 2000mk1 does, pretty disappointing imo
Pio disappointing customers ?
Not a new story ...
Yeah i cant see why those upgrades cant be on the cdj2000 mk1, because if it is hardware and everything how can it be when i connect the cdj2000 nexus to a old cdj it will work and can not work if there is not a nexus???? only because of a lan cable,
But yeah this is pioneer.
a update wich is not that handy.
gr niels
Niels try to understand that if you connect cdj2000 on nexus or not, you don't get this features on them. You get compatibility so that features are available again on the nexus.
@Niels and everyone else,
correct me if I am wrong, but I think with this new firmware the only new thing is that a nexus CDJ will read all the info from a CDJ2000mk1 via LINK.
For example I have a USB in CDJ2000mk1 and a CDJ2000 nexus will read it. There isn't gonna be a zoom waveform or auto load hot cues in your old CDJ. But Nexus will have these features even if you have the USB in your old CDJs.
I bet this firmware is gonna be the last for cdj2000mk1. Well done Pioneer you fixed everything.
I am just curious about the "Sync" compatibility of cdj2000mk1 and cdj2000 nexus.
@Dream treez,
If that is treu, Pioneer told us that is deu to the hardware it cant be done.
So how can it be that when i put my usb in a old cdj2000 and connect it to al nexus it will read?? and you get those new features?
Via a lan cable that cant,( i thing)
This firmware needs more gangnam style
So how can it be that when i put my usb in a old cdj2000 and connect it to al nexus it will read?? and you get those new features?
you DONT get all those features on the 2000 if you connect a Nexus, Read what Gavin posted above_ """"""""""""These aren't new features of the CDJ-2000 or 900, this update allows these functions to be available to the CDJ2000nexus when using a CDJ2000 or 900."""""""""""""""_