The limitation on USB devices is as follows:
a maximum of 8 layers
a maximum of 1,000 folders
a maximum of 10,000 files (or 1,000 files for files not managed by rekordbox)
I'll ask of the engineers why this limitation occurs.
So I am a mobile Dj with a collection in excess of 20k tracks , I was really looking forward to the arrival of my new R1 , after several days analyzing my collection in rekord box , I then waited patently to export them to an external drive ( I have no intention of using vdj or laptop etc ) my plan was to use the remotebox app , but now I'm am devastated to discover my purchase is a waste of money and is does not suit my needs ... Why have this limit .. do pioneer have any plans to increase this or should I sell my new machine ? Advice or suggestions please .. again I will not be using a laptop and would find it impossible to break my collection down to 10k as I dj at many different events where I could be asked to play all sorts !!
The limitation on USB devices is as follows:
a maximum of 8 layers
a maximum of 1,000 folders
a maximum of 10,000 files (or 1,000 files for files not managed by rekordbox)
I'll ask of the engineers why this limitation occurs.
Great , thanks .. personally if the 10k limit must be applied the XdjR1 should not be targeted at Mobile Djs , club Djs who pre arrange their set with 50-100 tracks will obviously have no problems but most mobile Djs carry excess of 10k tracks
@Gregg > I understand where you are coming from however I really wonder is 10,000 tracks optimal for a mobile DJ on USB sticks? This isn't an excuse, I'm just trying to understand your workflow as I used to be a mobile DJ myself.
Not on sticks , external Hard drive ... I have made the change from the denon Hd2500; again no laptop ... After 4 days of analysis with rekordbox .. 16 hrs exporting and failing to create a XdjR1 library really has me a little annoyed !!!! So just so you understand all my music is on 1 hd (750 gig drive )
Ah ok, gotcha now. Thanks!
If you don't mind me asking, is it really much easier to connect an external harddrive rather than a laptop or to use USB sticks (that wouldn't require external power)?
I'll chime in here :)
The 10,000 track limit is a big reason why I will not by any products with this limit. As a mobile DJ there are some weeks I do up to 5-6 parties within 3-4 days in a row, Because of this I keep my library very organized and keep ALL my music with me at all times being I can be doing any type of party within that time frame and I don't have time to make a drive for this party, then that one, then this one and so on.
Also, With space being so cheap nowadays, why not keep ALL your music with you, I can tell you as a 25 year veteran in the mobile market that nothing makes the parents of a bride or grandparents happier then when they request some weird oldie during dinner and I say "yup, got it, will play it next for ya while there's downtime", Now if I had to limit my library there is a good shot I wouldn't have it and they would walk away thinking "how could he not own that song". I would rather NEVER have to tell a guest "no sorry i dont have it" then worry about the track limit of gear I use.
thats my 2 cents :)
@Gavin ... No external power needed .. just hard drive and cable . @Brichi ... If I knew before hand I wouldn't have bought it .. I also have a custom made flight case !! So now to sell it on and take a hit on the cost and lose some money ..
Gregg, can you not return it to where you purchased it? I am returning mine and the place I bought it has a no-worry 30 day return policy.
@DJ-JW ... I don't think so ... No such policy .. plus it's not defective just not the purpose
A product doesn't have to be defective in order to return it. The reason for the return is "not required". I thought all stores had to have that policy.
I use an external HD with the unit, as well. It's alot quicker than a USB stick.
@DJ-JW > Thats, mostly, at the discretion of the retailer.
ahh, ok. I thought it was law. That sucks.
@Gregg, I am in the market for one with a flight case. Let me know if you are interesting in selling and shipping to New Jersey.
@Don ... Im in Ireland I'm afraid ! Hopefully a pioneer rep can confirm if this limitation can be lifted with a firmware update ??
@Don > I cannot confirm or deny at the moment but I have raised the issue with the rekordbox team to discover a) why the limitation is in place (I don't believe its intentional) and b) if its possible to raise the limit.
Just to point out ... The limitations ate outlined in the user manual ... Which I discovered too late
@Gavin > How about removing the limits altogether? Traktor, Serato, Virtual DJ and so forth have no such limits. Also you mentioned that you used to be a Mobile DJ so it should not surprise you that us mobile guys carry 10,000+ tracks in our library, I have over 30,000+ tracks myself, where's Jay, he's a Mobile DJ, maybe he should put his 2 cents in on these XDJ-R1 threads.
@Gregg Murphy > I'm in a similar boat as you are when dealing with my retailer, I would have to pay for shipping both ways (I asked them for an exchange for a unit with FW 1.03) which costs too much, lesson learned (this is the first time I've ever pre-ordered DJ equipment, I usually demo and let it marinate a while before buying, just got too excited I guess).
@BTD10 > I don't believe the limits are artificially created (why would Pioneer do that?!) but limitations of the hardware itself. Remember, rekordbox isn't Serato or Traktor and what it does is substantially different. I've sought further clarification on why there is such a limitation but from what I understand, its down to the hardware.
@Gavin > I know exactly what RB is, music preparation software. As for the notion that it's a hardware limitation issue, I don't buy it. You're are only asking the unit to read and load tracks which does not require much in terms of processing power unless this unit is severely underpowered and as long as the hardware is FW upgradable, improved functionality can be added to something that it already there (we're not talking about music production here only music management).
@BTD10 .. it's very annoying , and to aim a product like this at the mobile Dj is wrong , if it was a cheap piece of kit aimed at the home user well then professional users would have no gripe .. but the fact this cost me €1000 I really find it's not " Fit for purpose" unfortunately the vendor I purchased from is stuck in the middle and I have a good relationship with them , and them ... Like me do not want to fall out with each other .. but the fact of the matter still stands UN answerd why is the limit there and can it / will it be fixed ??
@Gregg Murphy, let's be honest Rekordbox was not created with the Mobile DJ in mind, most of the mobile guys I know use external hdd's instead of usb sticks, another thing is RB will not read ntfs formatted drives which is an extra expense for me since I'm a PC user and have to purchase another external (fat32 formatted) to use with the xdj-r1, if you read what Gavin wrote two entries before, he says the limits are not artificially created so why is it clearly stated in the RB manual, RB is made mixvibes (nothing against them), but when Pioneer has a relationship with NI, Serato and Atomix, why not have those engineers especially Serato who I think has the best library management out of the three (and this is coming from a Traktor user) design the software, it comes down to engineers who are not DJ's designing software, software targeted towards a specific market (clubland) or having the customer beta test products after release instead of doing it before that.
@BTD10, I agree totally with the fact rekord box is not aimed at the mobile jock .. but the R1 was , which needs rekordbox to function to it's ability. My gripe is why aim something at a mobile Dj who's collection will be much ngger than a club dj, if you compare the Cdj2000 aimed primarily at the club scene .. it has no limitations as such ... But yet where the R1 does , luckily I have managed to move the XdjR1 on to another dj , and I see from the news there is going to be a big shortage of pioneer equipment due the the sinking of the cargo liner during the week . I am now looking at the denon sc2900 . Thank you to Gavin for his help ... But I'm sorry to say Pioneer .... I'm disappointed.
@Gregg Murphy > If the CDJ-2000 has no such limit then it comes down to hardware limitation on the R1 which Gavin had mentioned before and makes any firmware update helpless to fix it.
@BTD10 ... That was my thoughts too ... Thankfully I have not lost too much money and have sold the unit on , it's a pity , and a feature that will prevent some Djs from buying the Xdj-R1 , I can't imagine ... What ever the problem is .. weather it's a processor chip or whatever wouldn't of cost a huge amount more and produce a system without restrictions.
It is down to a hardware limitation and, if I was to guess, it would be the RAM.
I'm not making any excuses or attempting to brush anything under the carpet but I think 10,000 tracks is more than enough per device. Depending on the type of gigs you do, you probably have several hundred tracks you play on a consistent basis. Pulse, Jay and I have worked as professional mobile DJs for many years and we've never been restricted by this limit. Again, I'm not trying to cause controversy but just possibly discuss the workflow with some people.
I am sure many of us can break down the library but at this point in technology and the amount of space we can have and music readily available, there should never be a limit. I honestly do not know a mobile DJ that does not have more then 10,000 tracks, I mean I have everything you can think of readily available from top 40, club, hip hop, oldies, doo wop, motown, soundtracks, broadway, disco, 80's, 90's, etc..... like I mentioned earlier, my Promo Only collection alone is over 10,000 tracks, why not have it all with you so you can be ready for any request instead of having to say no to someone because the gear you owns limits the amount of tracks you can play
again, you can carry the laptop with you with 30,000 tracks so you have the backup for requests but how do you mix it into your set, burn a cd in the middle of a party to play it? seems ridiculous when the technology nowadays is so advanced yet t's limited by pioneer
and like you say Gavin, i certainly am not trying stir up controversy and make this a flame thread, just want you guys to see our side of it as veteran 25 year mobile DJ's that have been collecting music forever
@Gavin > Since you have confirmed my suspicions regarding hardware limitation, is this the cause of all the other issues we are having with our R1's?, just wondering. Going back to the 10,000 track limit, I know Pioneer is trying to push RB out to the masses but how about for those who don't want use it and only wants to use the R1 as is, using non-RB analyzed files is very limiting on this unit, why not transfer over the functionality of the Aero in this area during product development?, also why skimp on RAM, it's the cheapest component to upgrade (I know, I build my own computers) especially with the amount of multitasking going on in this unit and please stop with the condescending tone, workflow is different for everyone.
Hi guys,
Please can anyone confirm 100% that there is a limit to 10,000 tracks with this unit? i read in another topic that a user was able to play from a drive that contained 40,000 tracks with not a problem. I really hope there is not a limit as i am a mobile dj wanting to purchase this unit at or just after the bpm show. This is the only all in one unit i like and the biggest selling point to me in being able to browse and load tracks from the ipad as at the moment i am having to take the laptop just to tell what folder contains the track(s) i'm looking for and it's a pain.
I also have about 28k tracks. it would take me weeks to go through my collection and get it down to 10k, then there would still always be the one that i missed, meaning i'd have to have the laptop out anyway. also is there no way in rekordbox to transfer all files to a usb stick? do i really have to select them individually or am i just being thick??