Hello, I see the same like you. I do everthing like the video tutorial ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mjyL90lfZ0) and when I use the utility of the driver in windows to see the firmware version, oh, I see that I have 1.04 ....
hello out there I have updated my R1 from 1.05 after the update is called the now 8.81. it is completely wrong. ?
Hello, I see the same like you. I do everthing like the video tutorial ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mjyL90lfZ0) and when I use the utility of the driver in windows to see the firmware version, oh, I see that I have 1.04 ....
same problem here.
What do we do pioneer, i have a gig tomorrow and i need this machine to work!
Guys, I think you may have, either intentionally or unintentionally, changed the name of the update file before loading it onto the player. You'll need to return the unit to a service centre I believe for repair. I'll double check this with an engineer.
hmm, it sounds a bit strange. I have just downloaded the file on my mac and did what the guide told me to.
btw, some of my problems with the played was solved by using my 3.0 WD hd instead of the 2.0 WD i startet out with. can this be right?
Does rekordbox work with the r 1 using a cpu? Besides the sticks? I have a big collection that I'd like to use a cpu with the r1.
Kind of like using the link with the cdj djm series?
I'm confused. I've recived the xdj r1 two weeks algo from thomman and the versión that I saw 4ever is 8.8.1
Any news? Do se have to sent the Unit to service? I Can see i'm not the only one with this problem :-(
@lennonpearson > No, you'd need the Aero for that.
@Daniel, @Angel and @Kasper > You'll need to return your units to a service centre or place of purchase for repair.
@Gabvin, yesterday I've solicited the money back to [retailer]... I'm disappointed with my XDJR1 ....
@Angel > Understood, sorry to hear thats the decision you had to make.
@Gavin, do you think that will be solution for my problem in concrete and for the other problems: loops, cues, freezzing (I have this problem too, freezing form USB)....
I like the concept of all in one... but ....
@Angel > Sorry, I don't follow. Do I think what will be your solution?
Thread closed due to lack of response.