1.06 firmware.
フォローする[TICKETED] XDJ-r1 Freeze.
Played a gig on the weekend 4 hour set using iPad linked. Had two freezes while navigating thought the USB. noticed the iPad screen would white out and say loading. The times on the deck would freeze and decks become unresponsive and seemed the buffer ran out and music stopped and had to reboot iPad and unit.

Also happned the same to me this past weekend.
Unit frose while playind a cd on deck A and browsing the IPAD on deck 2. The unit frose and a horn like sound came out of the speackers.
Had to reboot the unit to get it to work again.
All mp3 have been trhow Rekordbox 2.11 and unit with the 1.06 firmware.
After restart, I did play the same mp3 without any problem, so the problem is not exact.

@Morgo > The engineers are trying to understand exactly what you were trying to do before you got the freeze. Did you load or play a track or was it simply that you were trying to browse something on screen?
Also, have you updated to 1.07?
Had one deck playing and browsing for next song on other deck. Had ipad sideways in USB browse mode flicking back and forth through categories and songs when the freeze happened.

@Morgo > Have you encountered this issue since 1.07 update?
To be honest I haven't used an iPad/iphone with this unit with the lastest update. I'll get on it tonight and see what I come up with.
With the master tempo could you request the engineers have a look at it? Its sounds horrible lol.
Been controlling the R1 with iPhone for the past few hour no lock ups.
But when I was having the problems I was just looking at the iPad brouse view and using the controls on the R1 to navigate. So when I get a chance I'll that out.
Playing today played 10 min with iphone in browse mode using the R1 to go through the menu and change songs had a lock up/freeze with a constant high pitch noise as Video below shows. Only thing to do is reboot unit. On 1.07 too.

Been using this unit with an IPAD.. Had the same problem almost everynight.
Does anyone tried using this unit as a midi with a mac computer? Been thinking about buying one of them, and using the xdj-r1 as the controler.
I had numeros freezes on this unit, but never once using a cd. It's been always when browsing the playlist on the ipad, or when selecting a track to load. It has already happened to me in the middle of a song, when a laud horn sound came out of the speackers and the uinit freeze.

I've had the same today, the ipad would go grey and say now loading and the unit is totally frozen up although i never had the funny noise. I was just about to load a track on the deck when this happened. I did leave the unit and ipad on doing nothing for a while but this is the first time it has happened. I never had any problems when just using folder view so i'm guessing rekordbox is to blame as i noticed analised tracks take longer to load than the ones which have not been analised.
Any news on this one?
@Gavin Good news. Been playing with the new firmware 1.08 and seems pretty good. The tracks that kept coming up with error code now seem to play every time. Been navigating through browse mode on iphone and no lock ups or freezes as yet seems to be more stable.
The only thing at the moment is the MT still sounds horrible on soft melodies. So I hope there got room to tweak it like the cdj's.
Scrap that just been playing round for about 15 mins went to load a track off an iPhone with the selector knob on deck two and as soon as I hit the knob to load it froze with that high pitch tone same as the video above. Had to reboot to fix loaded same track and was fine. So it's not the track.
Back too lugging the 2000's this weekend again.

i have the new one update for r1 and new years eve when i play in a party, i have 2 times Freeze in the midle of my session,
with this symptoms, ipad air- "now loading" in white background, and freeze R1 when i try to load mp3 in the deck.
You are advertise R1 as pro all in one choise and your product freeze every time i play.
What is the next step for pioneer in this huge problem??

hi guys
is there any update on this issue?
i am looking at buying this unit so would be interested to see how it performs/stability etc.
When I use it without wifi (without iPhone / iPad) it works ok.

1.08 still have freeze problem.
i have 2 freeze stops when i play in new years eve's party live.
when i load one mp3 from ipad air, the message "now loading" freeze ipad and xdj.
when we have new update with solution in this problem?

I have used my unit for a few gigs now with the ipad retina and not had a single crash or problem at all. I search on the ipad and load tracks from there. That is all I use the unit for, I don't use loops or anything like that

Plus one with the freezing. Version 1.08 is not up to 100% !
The only way I found it not to freeze is don't use it with an iPad/iPhone. Witch is a pain finding songs. I hope Pioneer fix this soon.

@Morgo > The engineers wish to know the following:
Would you please ask the users whether their iPad/iPhone firmware latest?
Would you please ask them to take and post the video before and after the gear freezes?
Morgo's video shows only after the player froze. We need to know how the player gets frozen in order to reproduce this issue.This information will be very helpful for reproducing the issue and hopefully solving it.
@Gavin My iPhone/iPad on latest firmware. I'll catch a video tonight after work.
Hi here is a video. As you can see when I hit the selector knob to load the last song it freezes and locks up. Some times it happens after 5mins playing or an hour is just seems to be random.

I have same problem with my iPad air
Pls fixed soon.

Video is great, but the engineers have asked for a bit more info - see Gavin's post above.
- Would you please ask the users whether their iPad/iPhone firmware latest?
Yes everything is up to date. iPhone/r1.
- Would you please ask them to take and post the video before and after the gear freezes?
Morgo's video shows only after the player froze. We need to know how the player gets frozen in order to reproduce this issue.
This information will be very helpful for reproducing the issue and hopefully solving it.
See video above.
Any thing else just let me know.
Still happening with R1 firmware 1.09 and Remotenox 1.1.4.

Thanks - I'll bump the engineers with the new info.

Mogo - thanks for the video, apparently it has helped.
From the engineers:
The firmware developers are now trying to reproduce this issue. The test team tried to replicate this issue for 9 hours in random ways in late December. Unfortunately, both of them have never successfully reproduced this issue yet. It might be very difficult to reproduce and solve this issue because only several users experienced it.
Thanks for your patience - hopefully they'll be able to resolve it soon!
Thank you for the update Pulse.