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XDJ RX vs Serato DJ

Can we map XDJ RX on Serato DJ in midi mode?

Éric Lacharité



As @Deejay Dave says, the RX would support only certain MIDI functions of Serato DJ. It does not act as the audio device, so you would need one capable of "unlocking" the software and routing the audio. It also does not control the playback of the deck (platter/jog) as those items are non-mappable in Serato DJ.

If you want a unit capable of stand-alone performance, the XDJ-RX is designed for just that. It was not designed or marketed to be a MIDI controller.

If you want a controller capable of handling Serato AND/OR rekordbox, but will need a computer present in either situation, the DDJ-SX/2 and DDJ-SZ were made just for that purpose.

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It is not set-up to run in HID mode so it wouldn't be seen as the XDJ, but the unit can be Midi mapped.

Jay 0 票
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Serato DJ will recognize the XDJ-RX but not as a native device. It is neither a Serato DJ OSA or a certified interface thus it will be seen as a generic midi device. In other words you will need to custom map it yourself and as mentioned above certain things will not be mappable such as platters or even the faders.

Deejay Dave 0 票
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When i plug my xdj-rx and i open serato dj, it is impossible for me to click on midi button beacause serato dj not detect the controler.

Éric Lacharité 0 票
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somebody that knows how to map well should step up. Rekordbox sucks as an option for me at the time and I would like to run it both ways if possible

Hans Batista 0 票
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Pulse - please tell us something we don't already know. We are hoping it will at some point. I'm sure it's possible. Why are they holding back?

Hans Batista 0 票
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If you want both options purchase the DDJ-SX2 or the DDJ-SZ, no? This gives you both options for less money. You have ALL SDJ features by default and Rekordbox DJ is fully mappable. Seems simple enough.

"somebody that knows how to map well should step up."

BTW no mapping in the world can help you if the interface is not supported. Being that is the case there is no mapping that could possibly change this.

Deejay Dave 0 票
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So you're trying to tell me that it will handle tractor and rekordbox but It cannot even at least take the crates from Serato?

Hans Batista 0 票
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@Hans > It's not a Serato device, why would it take crates from Serato's database? If you're looking to convert Serato library content to another application, try Rekordbuddy (3rd party application).

Pulse 0 票
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Simple answer is Pioneer doesn't care that people like Serato or  how many thousands you spend on their hardware. The simple fact is, It's all about money. They don't care about functionality or making dj's lives easier or playing well with others, they just want you waking up in the morning chanting.....pioneeeeeerrr....... recordboxxxxx djjjjj. lol It's pretty pathetic that pioneer doesn't listen to their paying customers. Bad form.

djscottallen 0 票
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@ Pulse......................... I feel for ya buddy!! I have given you a hard time (here and there) on Pio's policies but at least when I do it is a.) fair and b.) makes sense LOL.


This is by far some of the most flawed logic I have seen in quite a while.


It is NOT the XDJ-RX that "handles" this or that. It is the software that decides what it can "handle" (honestly couldn't we have picked a better word). As in Serato decides what hardware will and won't work natively with it. How is this in any way Pioneer's fault? Serato and Pioneer HAD a licensing agreement at one time. This is where the DDJ lineup and some DJM (SDJ) mixers came to fruition. The XDJ (controller) lineup has been exclusively Rekordbox since day one............... so no surprises here right? Again it was Serato who decided to offer HID support for the XDJ-1000 and they are the ones who do the leg work. This is pretty basic stuff. Speaking of basic

Pioneer offers "open" HW support.

Traktor offers "open" support.

Serato is a "closed" support system offering native support for hardware of their choosing and nobody (not even pioneeeeeerrr) gets to offer support without first coming up with some sort of licensing deal with Serato............................ again I ask. How is this Pioneer's fault?

Do you honestly think Pioneer could just offer the support themselves? Do you honestly think Pioneer should foot the bill themselves? Does any of this make any sense?

Deejay Dave 0 票
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The XDJ lineup was actually made as a stand-alone product line, and the fact rekordbox was supported was added only due to complaints by users who felt they spent a load of money on their unit only to be left in the cold with regards to software. (Yes, there was already MIDI support, but they wanted more, with rekordbox.)

Serato's system is closed in that the hardware unlocks the software; the software looks at the hardware to see if it's on the authorized devices list, if not, it won't unlock the DJ mode.

No, Pioneer will not introduce Serato support for the XDJ-RX as it was never intended to be a controller for that software, and we can't just "do it ourselves," nor should we be expected to pay the license cost associated with the software for existing users.

So what exactly are you wanting us to do?

Pulse 0 票
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@Scott > If you wanted a Serato controller, you should have purchased a Serato controller.

Pulse 0 票
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