Have a feature request or suggestion? Post your idea here!


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4.0.6 - Midi Learn - Thank-you!

Here we go, now let's see what people come up with!

Although I haven't seen any "modifiers" yet, which would be really handy to layer or multi-assign buttons/knobs ... For example modifier to swap to hot cues D, E, F but still using the physical buttons A, B & C. 






rekordbox.com or if you already have rekordbox installed just open it and do the update

BriChi 0 票
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Downloaded. Works! Ha!

Question: Where can I find a Midi Mapping for DDJ-SP1?

Juergen Tolksdorf 0 票
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wow midi learn in 4.0.6???

Can I now map PREVIEW to my DDJ-RZ??

*crosses fingers*


I'm blocked from rekordbox from my corporate firewall. Can someone post the changelog.

DJ Chase 0 票
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Found the change log. Glad the slip mode bug is fixed. Excited to do some mapping when I get home! 

DJ Chase 0 票
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MIDI LEARN – Assignment of rekordbox dj functions to MIDI controllers.

CDJ-2000NXS2 new features
[Export Mode]
-FLAC/Apple Lossless with a frequency of 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz.
-WAV/AIFF with a frequency of 88.2 and 96 kHz. 
-8 HOT CUE buttons: A–H. 
-MY SETTINGS new features;
-USB DEVICE SETTINGS new features;
 Wave Color (BLUE/RGB) and Waveform (Half/Full).
-Export My Tag/Matching information to USB devices.
-HOT CUE color change.
-Export of HOT CUE color information to USB devices.

[Export/Performance Mode]
Track filtering new features; KEY, RATING and COLOR.

DJM-900NXS2 new features
[Performance Mode]
(When using the DJM-900NXS2 as an audio device).
-Input channels selected on DJM-900NXS2 are displayed on rekordbox dj virtual decks.
-Quantize BEAT FX of DJM-900NXS2 can be applied to rekordbox dj output audio.
-rekordbox dj BEAT FX tail can be heard after CH FADER/CROSS FADER is closed/cut on DJM-900NXS2 (POST FADER).

-Crashed when certain tracks were selected from track list.
-Crashed when BPM was edited in EDIT window of SAMPLER SLOT when the BPM value of the track was 0 (zero).
-SLIP MODE remained when SLIP REVERSE was selected within one beat while playing a track with QUANTIZE on.
-Output channel settings reset back to default when starting up (EXPORT MODE).
-Preview playback issue on Related Track List etc. 
-Improved stability and fixed other minor issues.

BriChi 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

DJ dp 


Thanks, can't wait to see the video. Can you also comment if existing pioneer DDJ-* controllers can be remapped? Want to switch the giant SYNC button (which I rarely use) with the shift button (which i DO use a lot).  Be helpful when using shift-pad buttons to get to the second bank of Pad EFX.  

Also want to remap preview mode, so hope we can remap existing controllers while keeping the HID functionality. 

DJ Chase 0 票
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Harry J

As far as I can see re-mapping should be very easy on a existing controller. When you open up the midi section and select the relevant controller on the drop down list, it brings up all the standard controls. You can then change them around to your liking and save them as a different file name. I have a look at the midi section briefly in my video, but it looks fairly straight forward in principle.

Their does seem to be a slight bug though.. When you select the same midi channel, it comes up with an error which you can't get rid off unless you cancel out of the midi section. A bit annoying :-/

Will do a bit more exploring and let you know ;-)



DJ dp 0 票
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i olso noticed that now we have the option to analyzed single track in normal or in dynamic way ... i dont now if this was present on past releases... what i want to see in future updates of rekordbox the possibility to the exact skin/layout of the controller used ...mine is xdj rx and even if i want to use with my controller all the function's of rekordbox dj i dont think i will be able to mapp it like i was in traktor

Dj Hairless 0 票
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@Harry > Unfortunately, as I've described before, the SYNC button can NOT be used as a "shift" modifier because it is a button itself, configured to send a MIDI signal. The SHIFT button on the controller is NOT; it toggles the hardware MIDI signal of all the other controls to a secondary state. Think of it this way -- it's not about the software listening for "sync+hotcuepad1", it will either get "hotcuepad1.layer1" or "hotcuepad1.layer2."

Pulse 0 票
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@Pulse... my mistake ... i dont need a skin, is good this one, only the pad area seeing that i have only 4 pad's on my xdj rx... in the mapping option can we use "shift + buttons/knob's" option or buttons + buttons ???... i saw that shift+auto beat loop activate the pad fx but i can controll only the first row f the pads and i want to use the second row instead of the first whicth let me add only one effect... i'm gonna make some test to see if i can mapp xdj rx for my need's or that some one much quallified do an mapp and then share it with others user's of xdj rx like traktor bible ;)

Dj Hairless 0 票
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You could remap the controller so SHIFT+PAD = the second set of hot cues (but that would remove the ability to delete a hot cue using that same button combination).

Unfortunately with the XDJ-RX there is no secondary modifier button (like SHIFT) so I'm not sure that you could use another combo.

Pulse 0 票
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I guess a CDJ2000 is not mappable huh? I tried to map a few buttons i never use but it doesn't even show up in the MIDI device list

BriChi 0 票
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its the Nexus, is there a setting for that? I thought only the 2000 "1" had that change

BriChi 0 票
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