Is pioneer going to address this issue ever? Too many people having the same issue. Even having the sync button on the tracks goes off BPM. So frustrating!
I recently purchased an XDJ-RX and for some reason the bpm fluctuates, it's so annoying! I am on vers 1.80 and rekordbox 3 (still running original OSX). I had an aero before and this NEVER happened. I know it's the software. I have the best grids set correctly. Goes out of sync even with the sync button on. I have the master tempo on as well. I have read lots of complaints about this so I know I'm not the only one. Is pioneer going to ever address this issue?
Is pioneer going to address this issue ever? Too many people having the same issue. Even having the sync button on the tracks goes off BPM. So frustrating!
Connect your xdj via link mode (ethernet cable) with your pc and try it again. I had the same issue like you but in link mode everything is fine. When it also "solve" your problem, it has to be a problem with the transfer from rekordbox to usb or a firmware issue wich has to be solved by Pioneer engineers.
The beatgrid on the tracks is set correctly. I've also noticed that when you have the sync button on both decks, when you hit play, it doesn't even sync correctly. Even that doesn't work correctly.
Getting really frustrated with this rekordbox software. It sucks! I never had any of these issues with dj aero which was a much cheaper unit. My friend has virtual dj and never had these issues. This has been going on for a long time and pioneer is aware of it and not doing anything to fix it. Please forward this to your engineers
@pulse-sorry I was venting my frustration out. I have the same issues as hairless even with songs at the same bpm. I have my tracks done on beatgrid with sync and quantize on. It's even worse when the tracks are not the same bpm.
@Pulse Hi, I'm new to this controller and use as a standalone (no laptop). I've had a couple of issues to do with sync - possibly related to cheap USB sticks which I'll check, but just in case... you mentioned in one of your responses that you play for hours and don't have any issues. I get issues with sync quite regularly. Can you share what settings you use in Rekordbox (for example you mention the quantize beat value) and on this deck that you find is so robust?
Second related question - I notice that when I crossfade between decksm, the 'Master' switches with it which is fine - but the 'Sync' button stays lit on the new master deck. Reading through your responses above that is how it should stay. But I find if I try to sync to a deck that has BOTH the sync and master lights lit, the function goes completely nuts, or at least doesn't work at all. (I don't know if that makes sense. Basically, I have to have master lit on one and sync on the other - never sync on both).
I've always used CDJ's and matched by ear, but more and more in the higher energy gigs I play / younger audiences there's more expectation of quite intricate looping / mixing (almost like one long mashup) that you just can't do by ear, you have to leave a loop running on one deck and assume it will stay in sync while yo're adding effects etc, so to move with the times I'm trying to get my head around looping / syncing. Right now Im not confident to use the sync function on this deck in a live gig or broadcast.
Thanks in advance for your help - BT
Hi guys,
I've been having the exact same issues since I got the XDJ in February. I've asked on here a few times but no help that solved it. I figured out a work around but it's time consuming. It seems to me it's either an XDJ-RX fault or a fault in the transfer from Rekordbox to the USB. Have a look at my thread I've just started and the link within it for my work around:
Still no solution for our bug's??? There 4 mounth's when this post was created and still no solution??? No firmware update??? I think the problem is in the firmware and not in the rekordbox software.
i have the same problem. Unfortunately still no solution
Good Morning. See if you can help me. I'm with the same problem my beat grid is sliding relative to the other Deck even with Quantize and Sync on. Without them, the situation worsens. I've tried to do everything I could. I updated Firmware 2.20 and I use Rekordbox 4.2.5 and the problem persists. I have analyzed the songs in Rekordbox in every way possible. Normal mode, dynamic mode, etc. Nothing works. Can someone tell me how and when to solve the BUG ??? Thanks in advance for your help and attention.
Good Morning. See if you can help me. I'm with the same problem my beat grid is sliding relative to the other Deck even with Quantize and Sync on. Without them, the situation worsens. I've tried to do everything I could. I updated Firmware 2.20 and I use Rekordbox 4.2.5 and the problem persists. I have analyzed the songs in Rekordbox in every way possible. Normal mode, dynamic mode, etc. Nothing works. Can someone tell me how and when to solve the BUG ??? Thanks in advance for your help and attention.
I've been having this issue since I bought it 11 months ago. Every time I add tracks to my collection, I have to go through the work around I've mentioned above and in numerous posts.
This is clearly an issue for the engineers. It's either rekordbox to USB transfer issue, or an issue with the xdj reading the USB waveforms.
I added 5 tracks the other day, 3 had to be redone using my method mentioned. It's a pain in the arse!!
@Martin Cape
In link mode too or just via USB?
I have never tried link mode as I would never use them like that. Basically, something is being lost between transferring to USB and being read on the xdj.
I treat every track the same, import, set cues, add the playlists, transfer to USB then load into the xdj. But only some of the tracks, maybe about 40%, end up with the sync function working on the deck.
It would be interesting if you try it once in link mode. When everything works fine with it, it would be another proof that it has to be a USB problem
I'll try it at some point. At the min I've gone through the work around with most of my tracks so they are all spot on now. I'll also try to take some videos the next time I add tracks.
After adding to the library, using the 2 deck option, adding a track to each and using sync works flawlessly. I tested some tracks like that once. But, then transferring to USB, and playing on the xdj, sync didn't work. The beat grids were off, in time, but not in sync. Yet they worked perfectly within the software.
It's like transferring to USB is affecting the beat grids on some tracks, for what reason I do not know.
@Magantic @Martin Cape @Pulse Even with the network cable and the Active Link (Rekordbox button) the hit grid is not aligned. It continues to slide / misalign itself even with active SYNC or not. Remembering again that all the songs were analyzed in NORMAL mode and several other tests were done. The problem persists. Using the Rekordbox via the USB cable, NETWORK cable or pendrive. Firmware 2.20 and Rekordbox 4.2.5. Thank you very much in advance.
Good Morning. Follow the video link of the beatgrid problem (BPM) using the pendrive without SYNC. Parsed by rekordbox in normal mode. I have to spend the whole time fixing the time through the JOG. Two friends of mine bought XDJ-RX and they all have the same problem. Or it's Firmware or Rekordbox problem.
1) Video - beatgrid BPM failure through the pendrive.
2) Video - Beatgrid BPM fails through active pendrive and SYNC. The problem remains. Quantize active or not. I've done several tests. The problem persists. All the songs in CBR.
3) Video - Problem in beatgrid (BPM) using in MIDI mode and Rekordbox Dj. The problem persists even showing on the notebook screen. With or without SYNC. With or without MASTER TIME. With or without QUANTIZE. All the songs analyzed in normal mode and already tested in dynamic mode. The problem persists. When I use TRAKTOR PRO and XDJ-RX in MIDI mode, it works normally.
4) Video - beatgrid problem (BPM) using LINK Rekordbox via Network cable. The problem persists in all possible tests. I even formatted the pendrive and analyzed all the songs again in dynamic and normal mode. I bought a new pendrive. The problem persists. Please, I do not know what else to do. I already had an XDJ-R1 and I never had this problem. I play with the same USB flash drives in 2000NXS and I have no problems. I think it's a firmware problem.
Anyway, I thank you
@Pulse Good Morning. Follow the video link of the beatgrid problem (BPM) using the pendrive without SYNC. Parsed by rekordbox in normal mode. I have to spend the whole time fixing the time through the JOG. Two friends of mine bought XDJ-RX and they all have the same problem. Or it's Firmware or Rekordbox problem.
1) Video - beatgrid BPM failure through the pendrive.
2) Video - Beatgrid BPM fails through active pendrive and SYNC. The problem remains. Quantize active or not. I've done several tests. The problem persists. All the songs in CBR.
3) Video - Problem in beatgrid (BPM) using in MIDI mode and Rekordbox Dj. The problem persists even showing on the notebook screen. With or without SYNC. With or without MASTER TIME. With or without QUANTIZE. All the songs analyzed in normal mode and already tested in dynamic mode. The problem persists. When I use TRAKTOR PRO and XDJ-RX in MIDI mode, it works normally.
4) Video - beatgrid problem (BPM) using LINK Rekordbox via Network cable. The problem persists in all possible tests. I even formatted the pendrive and analyzed all the songs again in dynamic and normal mode. I bought a new pendrive. The problem persists. Please, I do not know what else to do. I already had an XDJ-R1 and I never had this problem. I play with the same USB flash drives in 2000NXS and I have no problems. I think it's a firmware problem.
Anyway, I thank you
@Pulse Good evening. What can be done to solve this synchronization problem? Will any new firmware be released to solve this problem? From what I'm researching on the internet, many people have the same problem. Thank you very much in advance.
@Pulse Any solution for the same problem everyone at the forum? Any firmware or fix available or date to leave? Thanks for listening.
@Pulse Good Morning. No solution to this GRID problem ?? There are thousands of people with this problem. What to do with my XDJ-RX? Throw her in the trash? Frustrating and disappointing. I've been a DJ for 28 years and I've never had problems with AERO and R1. What's the solution, Pioneer engineers ???? If there is no solution, I would not recommend anyone else !! I recommended to my two friends and I am ashamed of the purchase statement !!!! We need a solution, for God's sake !!!! Help!!
This bug is also on the xdj 1000. And no, it isn't thebeatgrids I'm working without sync.
Having the same problem with beat matching ,even riding the pitch dose not help and when you hit the pause on the play button it keeps repeating like a stuck cd.I thought buying Pioneer was buying quality.
Is the speed bug regarding the Xdj Series still under investigation?
@Tobias Bauer
The problem persists. Nothing has been fixed and we have no return.
I practically set aside my XDJ for this problem. I'm thinking of getting rid of it. Unfortunate.
Are the tracks variable bitrate?
Yes some tracks are.
i got the same problem and the bitrate from dek1 to dek2 are similar
very sad :(
@Miguel > In which case your beatgrid may not be accurate.
I've used the XDJ-RX myself for DJing more than enough hours to know if there's a problem with my songs or the hardware, and I have yet to experience the problems you guys are reporting and complaining about.