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E-7001 error

I never use CDs in my CDJ 2000nxs. Never. Link and USBs only. This error recently came up, and my tech has ordered the correct replacement parts. But no one in the USA stocks these parts, they're being sent from Asia, and it'll be weeks before they arrive.

In the mean time, I need to keep using this unit. And this error message is blocking my overview waveform, cue points, and loops. Fine, I get that the drive has an error, but I don't need to know that right now! Is there any way to clear the message so I can continue using the CDJ? Everything else works but this error is preventing me from using it until the part arrives! 

Adam Birnbaum 回答済み



So the engineers note that this error occurs as there is a communication error between the player and the optical drive. This doesn't necessarily mean that the optical drive itself has failed, and normal operation of the CDJ's other functions is not guaranteed simply because you're not using a CD/DVD in the optical drive. They recommend having the entire CDJ serviced if that message appears and to stop using the player.

コメントアクション パーマリンク




While I appreciate the advice, the parts supplier Pioneer uses has literally zero of the correct replacement part in North America. And the Asian warehouse sent the part to me via sea freight. So their advice is basically that my media player is out of commission because a feature I don't need is waiting on a part being shipped via the slowest method possible.

The error should be clearable guys. This is a bad design problem. There's no reason this error message needs to block the waveform, cue points, and loops permanently. Having it flash angrily for a couple of minutes gives me fair notice that things aren't working right.

Adam Birnbaum 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

@Adam > I understand, but the engineers are basically saying while the error message indicates a communication error with the optical drive, there could be a problem with the mainboard of the player, meaning it could simply stop playing at any time, and they recommend that you discontinue use of the player as the warning is there for a reason, not to be ignored.

Pulse 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Hello, I was looking for a solution to error E 7001 and I have come across this forum, and I would like to know how you solved it... and if it is recommended to use it with the error... greetings from Paraguay

Jorge Ramirez 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク