The latest firmware is version 2.1 - please try updating to that first and see if the problem still exists.
Also, what USB device were you using (make / model / capacity / file format)?
Firmware 2.0 | Last weekend I had a new party with me on the decks. Happy as ever, on the road with my XDJ-RX. In the middle of the set and when the ambi was high, I'm loading a track I'm playing a lot. Loading. Loading. Still loading. Keeps loading. Still keeps loading. Hmm. Panic mode. Stop. Browse, load another track... won't do that. Stop. Play. Fast forward. Browse again. Try to load another track. Still keeps loading the first track. Still loading... And then, the other deck was at the end. So far the music. Boooooooooh. SORRY GUYZ... My fancy Pioneer has a small technical problem. I'll have to reboot my device.
HATE IT ! This is really a product for home use. UNTRUSTABLE for sets. I cannot understand why Pioneer, a player with that much experience in DJ gear, cannot make this device trustable. I never had any problem with my Traktor S2. Since I'm using the real stuff, EVERY SET I'm playing has some bug. Either waveforms dissapear, changed usb sticks, now this problem had stopped (i guess), now it's this :-(
The latest firmware is version 2.1 - please try updating to that first and see if the problem still exists.
Also, what USB device were you using (make / model / capacity / file format)?
3rd time I'm buying new USB stick Pulse, don't tell me... :-) Currently running on Sandisk Extreme USB 3.0 32GB, formatted FAT32.
Problem is, these things occur randomly. But WHEN it happens, it's a shitty situation. Any suggestion on how to prepare a backup? I suppose connecting an iPhone with mini-jack to RCA to the line-in isn't a solution too because of the reboot time of the XDJ-RX? There is a solution to bring along another mixer, and connecting the XDJ-RX to the external mixer, but that was just the good thing on the XDJ-RX: all-in-one.
I totally agree, it's disastrous when the music stops and you're the DJ with no control over the situation. I wouldn't blame your USB drive as the culprit, I've had good success with that drive. Have you updated the firmware and tested it again?
Hi Pulse, the change history of 2.10 is only mentioning changes "Certain controls on the XDJ-RX did not work when using rekordbox dj.". I'm not even using Rekordbox DJ. I don't see why this FW upgrade could fix the problem? The problem is not easy to simulate. It 'suddenly happens'.
This identical issue has been happening to me as well, in a 4 hour show it might happen two to five or more times. It's happened on multiple firmware versions and USB drives, I currently have the most recent firmware. The device is unusable this way...please help?
I use mostly lossless (aiff) files, maybe the XDJ-RX just does not like lossless formats?
It would be useful to know what you were doing at the time the freeze or crash occurred - did you have the FX on? What browse method were you using? etc.
No effects, just playing a track and browsing for the next...I was scrolling through a playlist, and the freeze happens immedaitely upon loading the next track into the open deck.
Same problem here. Just browse in the playlist, select a track, hit the LOAD button and it keeps saying "loading" (and it freezes until reboot). Music bought through iTunes, and converted with iTunes to 256kbps CBR MP3. No way to simulate this problem, it "suddenly" happens. Sometimes even not. After reboot, loading the "problem-causing-file" again = no problem at all.
How many tracks are on your device?
About 2000 tracks. Last weekend I had a 6 hours set without freezing. This time I was NOT recording my set on USB2. My music comes from USB1, normally I always record on USB2. Don't know if this is the reason, but I was happy at the end of the night (morning).
I bought the XDJ-RX 2 weeks ago, and I've been having the exact same problem, when using a USB stick. It always happens when I'm recording at the same time with another USB, so this might be the reason?
Do you guys have any news on fixing this problem?
@Tom > What's the make / model of USB drives you're using at the time of the freeze?
@Pulse: I'm using Sandisk Ultra USB 3.0 32GB, and formatted them FAT32.
@Tom > That's not exactly a high-performance drive, could you please try another make/model drive?
@ pulse Any suggestions for good high performance usb sticks?
Yes! I've tested many, and would use very few. My personal preferences are the Corsair GTX and SanDisk Extreme Pro, both are a bit pricey, but the cost is worth the fact you won't be waiting for rekordbox to export the files - they're fast as lightning.
If it might help to find the ''root cause'' the problem of loading tracks which never do...started EXACLY after the new Rekordbox 5 updated version.
The Rekordbox app on my iphone wasn't even connecting with the unit. So i delete all the tracks from ALL my devices that were previously exported with the previous Rekordbox version, and re-imported all the tracks back again via the Rekordbox 5 version, seems to work out for me.
I also delete and re-install the app on my Iphone and now it detect my unit.
I don't know if it's enough clear to understand lol but let me know!
I run the latest FW and also used the latest Recordbox SW and I had the same problem.
The really strange thing was that I was not able to reset the XDJ-RX with the ON/OFF button, the display stay ON, all the rest was switching off.
I had to remove the power plug for 10 sec and wait a othe 30-40 sec before I can start again.
The only thing that I did was loading a track of 78 minutes while all the people were eating, nobody touched the set and the music stopped after +/- 10 minutes. I have used the same track now at home , I can not reproduce it. During the evening from 11 to 4 o'clock in the morning the XDJ-RX was performing great :)
i will ill really like to know what was going on ?!? Just ta avoid to have it again.
Thank you in advance for your help.
Best Regards,
@Didier > The unit isn't really designed to load a 78 minute track. Please try using tracks with a length of under 16 minutes for optimal memory performance.
Was this ever resolved? I don't see any solution here for @Christophs original issue.
I've had the XDJ-RX fail on me (stuck "now loading") over and over again. This is after updating all drivers, firmware, Rekordbox software etc. Have tried on multiple high performance drives (San Disk Extreme) in FAT32, and tested both USB ports.
Is the issue actually due to Rekordbox 5, and will deleting ALL tracks and reimporting everything resolve this?
* I am not even recording while this issue is happening.
@Shawn > The usual suspects for that kind of issue are low-quality USB drives, damaged database, or problematic audio file.
My first recommendation (since you're using a good quality drive), is to format (ensure it's Master Boot Record), then export everything again. If you're able to replicate it with the same song, then check that file for errors.
Hello -
I always format in Master Boot Record. This issue also always happens randomly (not the same song) and with songs that are purchased / legit. Sometimes it's not just after I load a track - the unit / library will freeze simply while I am scrolling through tracks, while another track is already playing.
The real head scratcher here: I DJ on CDJ 2000s every weekend as well as own a pair at home. This issue never happens with these. I use the same exact flash drive and they work fine. So for what reason would they not work on this all-in-one unit?
Lately this has been my only solution - to resort back to lugging around the CDJs since they can still read my flash drives just fine.
Which firmware is on the RX?
Yep, that was the latest. I'll ask you to please file an inquiry ticket here and our rekordbox support team will be able to gather some additional information to further assist you in resolving this issue.
It seems that many users have the same problems as me? This happens in the middle of a session and it can not be that it should always be just the flash stick or something similar! When will a suitable firmware update come?
If you are lucky you can go to Cancel with the browser and maybe reload another song. The titles are all edited with Recordbox and all original songs from e.g. Itunes or Beatport
As I said, it happens by chance ...!
@DeSch > Yes, almost always, we find that the issue is with the USB drive or the track itself causing the load problem. Please try a different USB drive and see if it persists.
Unfortunately the tracks are not the issue and seems highly likely the controller was faulty or still has firmware issues.
I ended up taking a massive loss on this faulty XDJ-RX 1 controller, and purchased the newer XDJ-RX 2. I now no longer have any issues. I am using the same exact USBs, same tracks, formatted the same way as I was previously on the XDJ-RX 1.
Additionally, as previously stated, never-ever does this issue occur on CDJ 2000s. ONLY on the XDJ-RX 1.
I did everything possible to make the XDJ-RX function properly with all the latest updates, high quality 320+ purchased mp3s (checked for errors), formatted in master boot record, etc. In the end, the only unfortunate solution was to upgrade to the XDJ-RX 2
Different USB hosts will respond differently to USB drives; the XDJ-1000 is a perfect example of that. The host used therein is almost guaranteed to reject the Corsair Survivor USB drives, whereas the CDJ-2000's have no problem with that same drive.
Per above, our findings are the usual source of the problem with a drive not being read are the drive itself.