Could you please send us the product link with the complete manual for this fixture request? Please have a look at this post. We need a product link or a manual in order to complete your fixture request.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
Request to re-add a new channel mode
Strobe light
Manufacturer: TOPADJ
Model Name/Number: TOPADJ-ML006 (7 Channel,7 chs)
Could you please send us the product link with the complete manual for this fixture request? Please have a look at this post. We need a product link or a manual in order to complete your fixture request.
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd
I am very honored to see your reply. In fact, you have already helped me add TOPADJ-ML006. Because the manufacturer's manual is not accurate enough, there are still errors, so we can only manually test the channel and add it again (TOPADJ-ML006, 7 chs).
This is the link you added last time I looked
Therefore, please help to re-add TOPADJ-ML006, 7 chs
Your fixture request has been added to the AtlaBase library. It will be reflected in the next rekordbox fixture library update (performed once a week on Wednesday or Thursday except for the national and company holidays). Please find the latest list of the library fixtures here (under Fixture library lists).
On behalf of Pioneer DJ,
AtlaBase Ltd