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Sync lights with XDJ/CDJ


I am looking for information on how to sync music played from XDJ/CDJ(Rekordbox) with the rhythm of set lights. I've seen that rekordbox has a lights option, but I'm looking for standalone system(without bringing laptops to gigs). Different DJs have different music, and I am unable to scan all their tracks before the event.

The lights I have are 4 moving heads, 2 strobes, 2 lasers, and 4 round LEDs (basic system). I want to connect them via DMX.

I would like each DJ who comes in with their USB drive and connects to the decks to have the lights respond to their tracks. How can I do this? I've seen various DMX kits (RB-DMX, MaestroAI, lightswitch).

Rb-DMX should be okay, but I'm looking for something without the need to carry a laptop. Is it even possible to control these lights without a laptop? Like, for example, connecting the kit directly to XDJ/CDJ? We are operating on 4 decks

I'm looking for ideas!

Damoon Moon
