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Questions about the RB-DMX1

Heya guys,


I'm thinking of purchasing this lighting interface but I have a question:

Is it possibe to dim the lights manually through the controller? For example, I think the LED's on my Gigbar are too bright and I want them to be slightly dimmed during the entirity of my set. I would really need that so I wouldn't have to rely on external DMX programming.

Thx in advance!

Bexorcist 回答済み



As @Todd says, there currently is no "master dimmer," but that feedback has already been provided to the lighting project team for future inclusion.

If you wanted to customize one particular song, you could edit that one without having to create new macros, edit existing ones, or affect the rest of your lighting / songs.

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Yes, but not really.  You'd have to manually adjust every PHRASE/SCENE (there's about 160 of them) and adjust the light level in the Macro Mapping editor.  Doable, but probably way more time/trouble/effort  then it's worth.  

Todd Konwinski 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

What would you suggest then? I want to stick in the RB ecosystem and not really start DMX mapping with external controllers. What I want is, for example, when there's a wedding dance comming up, some kind of preset where all the LED pars are slightly dimmed in lush red colours and the rest of the lights moves very slowly in a sensual kind of way.

Bexorcist 0 票
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Well, you can also create your own User Scenes and set your own lighting level, colors, patterns, etc.  I suppose you could set it up the way you want, then just assign that one User Scene to the entire song?  Editing 1 scene is a lot better than 160 I'd imagine, right?  That's about all I can think of right now.

Todd Konwinski 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

OK, so if I'm correctly I can, for example, create a scene called 'Wedding Dance', specifically tailored for my individual fixtures  and manually adjust the overall intensity on that scene? And then it's 'drag & drop' or am I wrong here? :D

Bexorcist 0 票
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