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XDJ RX 2 issues with Performance Mode.

I am having trouble with my XDJ RX2 while in performance mode. I have issues where the sound distorts for a second then resumes as if nothing happens and then issues where Rekordbox freezes and I have to replug in my USB into my laptop to fix the issue. I have tried using a powered USB 2.0 hub, adjusted every power setting I could think of, adjusted the latency to the point where scratching was impossible and I'm still having issues.I didn't have any of these issues with my Traktor S4 while using the same computer. I'm using an Alienware 15 with Rekordbox 5.2.2 and XDJ RX2 firmware 1.23. 

I have also been having these issues since I purchased the XDJ RX2 back in January.

The standalone mode works fine.

Please help.

Dylan Huber




We have had problems with Alienware computers, even the most powerful, brand new units, lent to us directly from Dell -- and all of it was resolved by disabling or uninstalling the batch of management software applications that came preinstalled on the computer.

Give that a try before pursuing anything else.

Pulse 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

The only Alienware/Dell programs I have left are the Alienware Command Center and the Dell Foundation Services. Should I get rid of those as well? 

Dylan Huber 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Ok, I uninstalled and shut off the remaining dell software processes in task manager but I'm still having issues. I set my latency in Rekordbox to 10.2 ms. I ran Latencymon and these were my results. Is it possible it is an issue with the XDJ RX2 driver?

Your system appears to be having trouble handling real-time audio and other tasks. You are likely to experience buffer underruns appearing as drop outs, clicks or pops. One problem may be related to power management, disable CPU throttling settings in Control Panel and BIOS setup. Check for BIOS updates. 
LatencyMon has been analyzing your system for  0:06:00  (h:mm:ss) on all processors.
OS version:                                           Windows 10 , 10.0, build: 16299 (x64)
Hardware:                                             Alienware 15, Alienware
CPU:                                                  GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Logical processors:                                   8
Processor groups:                                     1
RAM:                                                  16269 MB total
Reported CPU speed:                                   2598 MHz
The interrupt to process latency reflects the measured interval that a usermode process needed to respond to a hardware request from the moment the interrupt service routine started execution. This includes the scheduling and execution of a DPC routine, the signaling of an event and the waking up of a usermode thread from an idle wait state in response to that event.
Highest measured interrupt to process latency (µs):   12148.899983
Average measured interrupt to process latency (µs):   5.778543
Highest measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs):       12145.353319
Average measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs):       1.948317
Interrupt service routines are routines installed by the OS and device drivers that execute in response to a hardware interrupt signal.
Highest ISR routine execution time (µs):              169.772517
Driver with highest ISR routine execution time:       Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime, Microsoft Corporation
Highest reported total ISR routine time (%):          0.046192
Driver with highest ISR total time:                   Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime, Microsoft Corporation
Total time spent in ISRs (%)                          0.050525
ISR count (execution time <250 µs):                   1278681
ISR count (execution time 250-500 µs):                0
ISR count (execution time 500-999 µs):                0
ISR count (execution time 1000-1999 µs):              0
ISR count (execution time 2000-3999 µs):              0
ISR count (execution time >=4000 µs):                 0
DPC routines are part of the interrupt servicing dispatch mechanism and disable the possibility for a process to utilize the CPU while it is interrupted until the DPC has finished execution.
Highest DPC routine execution time (µs):              535.896844
Driver with highest DPC routine execution time:       ntoskrnl.exe - NT Kernel & System, Microsoft Corporation
Highest reported total DPC routine time (%):          0.550855
Driver with highest DPC total execution time:         Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime, Microsoft Corporation
Total time spent in DPCs (%)                          0.665685
DPC count (execution time <250 µs):                   1924914
DPC count (execution time 250-500 µs):                0
DPC count (execution time 500-999 µs):                20
DPC count (execution time 1000-1999 µs):              0
DPC count (execution time 2000-3999 µs):              0
DPC count (execution time >=4000 µs):                 0
Process with highest pagefault count:                 none
Dylan Huber 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Wow, over 12,000?

Just for kicks, I benched system as well (with similar CPU specs) for 5 minutes, and even when I had rekordbox 5.2.0 running four tracks running, 2 effects applied, 4 color FX engaged, and one full length track loaded in a sampler, I was only able to get just over 6000 as my peak:
Computer name: DESKTOP-S7SH55P
OS version: Windows 10 , 10.0, build: 16299 (x64)
Hardware: MacBookPro11,4, Apple Inc., Mac-06F11FD93F0323C5
CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
Logical processors: 8
Processor groups: 1
RAM: 16260 MB total

Reported CPU speed: 2195 MHz

Highest measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 6014.518447
Average measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 9.882969

Highest measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 5999.122922
Average measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 2.967394


Highest ISR routine execution time (µs): 130.411390
Driver with highest ISR routine execution time: ndis.sys - Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS), Microsoft Corporation

Highest reported total ISR routine time (%): 0.012360
Driver with highest ISR total time: HDAudBus.sys - High Definition Audio Bus Driver, Microsoft Corporation

Total time spent in ISRs (%) 0.036298

ISR count (execution time <250 µs): 124283
ISR count (execution time 250-500 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 500-999 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 1000-1999 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 2000-3999 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time >=4000 µs): 0

Highest DPC routine execution time (µs): 553.574943
Driver with highest DPC routine execution time: tcpip.sys - TCP/IP Driver, Microsoft Corporation

Highest reported total DPC routine time (%): 0.183920
Driver with highest DPC total execution time: dxgkrnl.sys - DirectX Graphics Kernel, Microsoft Corporation 


Pulse 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Here are a couple of things for you to try:

Disable your network adapters.
Check that your Power setting is in a Performance mode.
Change your USB settings > USB selective suspend settings > Plugged in: Disabled.
Turn off PCI Express > Link State Power Management > Plugged in: Off.

Run these three commands at an admin command prompt...

  • bcdedit /set useplatformclock yes
    bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy Enhanced
    bcdedit /set disabledynamictick yes

These will set things back to default if your system doesn't like them...

  • bcdedit /set useplatformclock no
    bcdedit /set tscsyncpolicy Default
    bcdedit /set disabledynamictick no

You will need to reboot after any bcdedit.

Pulse 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Ok, I did everything and things improved slightly... I was able to go 15 to 30 minutes without distortion. 

Your system appears to be having trouble handling real-time audio and other tasks. You are likely to experience buffer underruns appearing as drop outs, clicks or pops. One problem may be related to power management, disable CPU throttling settings in Control Panel and BIOS setup. Check for BIOS updates.
LatencyMon has been analyzing your system for 0:14:05 (h:mm:ss) on all processors.

Computer name: DYLAN
OS version: Windows 10 , 10.0, build: 16299 (x64)
Hardware: Alienware 15, Alienware
CPU: GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4720HQ CPU @ 2.60GHz
Logical processors: 8
Processor groups: 1
RAM: 16269 MB total

Reported CPU speed: 2598 MHz
Measured CPU speed: 27 MHz (approx.)

Note: reported execution times may be calculated based on a fixed reported CPU speed. Disable variable speed settings like Intel Speed Step and AMD Cool N Quiet in the BIOS setup for more accurate results.

WARNING: the CPU speed that was measured is only a fraction of the CPU speed reported. Your CPUs may be throttled back due to variable speed settings and thermal issues. It is suggested that you run a utility which reports your actual CPU frequency and temperature.


The interrupt to process latency reflects the measured interval that a usermode process needed to respond to a hardware request from the moment the interrupt service routine started execution. This includes the scheduling and execution of a DPC routine, the signaling of an event and the waking up of a usermode thread from an idle wait state in response to that event.

Highest measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 26549.952578
Average measured interrupt to process latency (µs): 9.316339

Highest measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 26544.714482
Average measured interrupt to DPC latency (µs): 4.098586

Interrupt service routines are routines installed by the OS and device drivers that execute in response to a hardware interrupt signal.

Highest ISR routine execution time (µs): 144.289453
Driver with highest ISR routine execution time: Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime, Microsoft Corporation

Highest reported total ISR routine time (%): 0.041437
Driver with highest ISR total time: Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime, Microsoft Corporation

Total time spent in ISRs (%) 0.042786

ISR count (execution time <250 µs): 2194597
ISR count (execution time 250-500 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 500-999 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 1000-1999 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time 2000-3999 µs): 0
ISR count (execution time >=4000 µs): 0

DPC routines are part of the interrupt servicing dispatch mechanism and disable the possibility for a process to utilize the CPU while it is interrupted until the DPC has finished execution.

Highest DPC routine execution time (µs): 463.667436
Driver with highest DPC routine execution time: Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime, Microsoft Corporation

Highest reported total DPC routine time (%): 0.563263
Driver with highest DPC total execution time: Wdf01000.sys - Kernel Mode Driver Framework Runtime, Microsoft Corporation

Total time spent in DPCs (%) 0.754341

DPC count (execution time <250 µs): 4054585
DPC count (execution time 250-500 µs): 0
DPC count (execution time 500-999 µs): 22
DPC count (execution time 1000-1999 µs): 0
DPC count (execution time 2000-3999 µs): 0
DPC count (execution time >=4000 µs): 0

Hard pagefaults are events that get triggered by making use of virtual memory that is not resident in RAM but backed by a memory mapped file on disk. The process of resolving the hard pagefault requires reading in the memory from disk while the process is interrupted and blocked from execution.

Process with highest pagefault count: none

Total number of hard pagefaults 0
Hard pagefault count of hardest hit process: 0
Highest hard pagefault resolution time (µs): 0.0
Total time spent in hard pagefaults (%): 0.0
Number of processes hit: 0

CPU 0 Interrupt cycle time (s): 67.479591
CPU 0 ISR highest execution time (µs): 76.499230
CPU 0 ISR total execution time (s): 1.419801
CPU 0 ISR count: 1195157
CPU 0 DPC highest execution time (µs): 463.667436
CPU 0 DPC total execution time (s): 43.55470
CPU 0 DPC count: 3570648
CPU 1 Interrupt cycle time (s): 30.251252
CPU 1 ISR highest execution time (µs): 144.289453
CPU 1 ISR total execution time (s): 0.826855
CPU 1 ISR count: 509633
CPU 1 DPC highest execution time (µs): 418.100462
CPU 1 DPC total execution time (s): 6.945353
CPU 1 DPC count: 417893
CPU 2 Interrupt cycle time (s): 12.417112
CPU 2 ISR highest execution time (µs): 57.021170
CPU 2 ISR total execution time (s): 0.050323
CPU 2 ISR count: 37483
CPU 2 DPC highest execution time (µs): 404.005004
CPU 2 DPC total execution time (s): 0.088568
CPU 2 DPC count: 11832
CPU 3 Interrupt cycle time (s): 14.762320
CPU 3 ISR highest execution time (µs): 56.26020
CPU 3 ISR total execution time (s): 0.182693
CPU 3 ISR count: 124769
CPU 3 DPC highest execution time (µs): 403.863741
CPU 3 DPC total execution time (s): 0.036766
CPU 3 DPC count: 6561
CPU 4 Interrupt cycle time (s): 14.257073
CPU 4 ISR highest execution time (µs): 39.099307
CPU 4 ISR total execution time (s): 0.038151
CPU 4 ISR count: 28497
CPU 4 DPC highest execution time (µs): 417.351424
CPU 4 DPC total execution time (s): 0.123707
CPU 4 DPC count: 14813
CPU 5 Interrupt cycle time (s): 14.675884
CPU 5 ISR highest execution time (µs): 66.341801
CPU 5 ISR total execution time (s): 0.236915
CPU 5 ISR count: 202041
CPU 5 DPC highest execution time (µs): 417.678984
CPU 5 DPC total execution time (s): 0.057791
CPU 5 DPC count: 8119
CPU 6 Interrupt cycle time (s): 13.555121
CPU 6 ISR highest execution time (µs): 33.019246
CPU 6 ISR total execution time (s): 0.082235
CPU 6 ISR count: 58765
CPU 6 DPC highest execution time (µs): 402.495381
CPU 6 DPC total execution time (s): 0.076324
CPU 6 DPC count: 10216
CPU 7 Interrupt cycle time (s): 14.915227
CPU 7 ISR highest execution time (µs): 40.729792
CPU 7 ISR total execution time (s): 0.057567
CPU 7 ISR count: 38252
CPU 7 DPC highest execution time (µs): 402.307159
CPU 7 DPC total execution time (s): 0.148936
CPU 7 DPC count: 14525

Dylan Huber 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Hey Pulse,
I am still having issues. Reformated and reinstalled Windows 10, went back and did the steps you suggested. Turned off windows defender and pretty much everything else but I’m still getting latency spikes which cause audio distorions.

Is there anything you can do to help?

Dylan Huber 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Have you checked to see if there are any BIOS or UEFI updates available for your computer from Dell?

Pulse 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

I did manage to fix the audio distortions, had a couple random processes running and managed to have rekordbox going for 2 hours before the latency spiked to 30000 and the music stopped. No distortion, just stopped and rekordbox dj was unresponsive. changing the latency setting immediately got the music back but it is still an issue that it glitched like that. 

Dylan Huber 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

Sorry, I'm out of ideas -- I'll have to ask you to please file an inquiry ticket here. That ticket will ask you some of the same stuff you've already provided here, but it will fill in the ticket fields (which I don't have access to edit myself if I create a ticket for you) so our rekordbox support team will be able to assist you in resolving this issue.

Pulse 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

No worries - I hope they can find a solution for you, it's really unusual for things to spike like that unless there's a background task all of a sudden hogging the resources... and I mean REALLY hogging things, so much that it would cause the audio to crash out. :(

Pulse 0 票
コメントアクション パーマリンク

I found in win 10 advanced power management to change setup maximum cpu at 99% to stop the clipping and pops. it works exactly the way with out changing any bios power setup

PeopleLikeUs 0 票
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