
There are no plans to provide updates of any kind to the CDJ-1000MK3, sorry. At this point, even support for the CDJ-1000MK3 is limited given its age.
Hello Pioneers !
Just got a "new" pair of 1000MK3, incredible tough machines, really still super cool even if they are a bit old.
There's still someone of the 1000's firmware programmers who can apply a little mod at the firmware ?
I know with this mod you will stop now selling any more a 2000 :-) :
Found a limit in the Loop IN - OUT function (you already know I'm sure...)
Really heavy to find a good 4 beat loop, even if it is available the possibility to adjust the out point the looping function is nearly useless
(I mean track is playing and I need to freeze in a 4 beat loop - this is impossible )
Changing a bit the firmware in the way the loop is calculated let's say
4 BEAT LOOP = 60000m/sec / BPM * 4
you get a perfect 4 beat loop to play with ,
should be really easy to implement.
Can even be implemented easily if the loops are set counting phisical CD sectors as I guess it's happening ,
don't know if you can have time, CDJ's 1000 are great machines ! I'm really a big fan of them, this can bring a new life to these rusty, though, rugged piece of plastic ;)
There are no plans to provide updates of any kind to the CDJ-1000MK3, sorry. At this point, even support for the CDJ-1000MK3 is limited given its age.