I’m having same issue. No support or response from pioneer
Hello Pioneer, I have a problem with my DJM REC APP, BPM is slower than the music recorded when i play it.
I actually did a test (recorded exactly 1 minte of a song), then when I play it DJM-REC plays 1 minute and 6 seconds!
I tried recording in different formats (WAV44/48 and AAC) but it is always the same issue.
And regarding your answer, I can't control the frequency at which I play the file (48 or 44Hz).
I didn't have this problem before. Any ideas?
All firmware is up to date, BTW.
I’m having same issue. No support or response from pioneer
In all of my tests, with iOS 11 and 12, using any DJM hardware that supports the app, in any encoder / sample rate configuration, I've not been able to replicate this issue. Can you guys please provide some additional information as to the hardware you're using, the iOS device, iOS version, app version, any other config info (be it rekordbox sample rates, etc). Thanks
Had the same problem over the weekend. Did a couple tests and it was fine. Then played my main set and was much slower. Set time on recording came in at 1:48 but my set was only an hour. Is there a way to speed up recording playback?
Hey Guys.
I have the same Issue. Sometimes the APP will do the Job correctly and sometimes not . Recording with AAC and 320kbps.
Iphone X IOS Version 12.1.2 with Pioneer DJM 750mk2 with FW. 1.03.
Did have somebody a Solution for this Issue????
Best regards
I am still having this same issue in December 2019... Anyone figure anything out?
I have the same issue recorded at 122 bpm and plays back around 112 bpm. Sound quality is excellent especially through the digital out on a compatible pioneer mixer. I am using an Iphone 8 plus running 13.3. Recorded on a djm 750mk2 with the latest update.
Are you possibly recording at 48K and playing it back at 44.1K? The difference between those is 8.13%, and if your track was playing at 122BPM when recorded but is now playing back at 112BPM, that's a difference of 8.2%... (and accounting for margin of error in the measurement of the playback of either track, that would be within the range for this to be accurate).
Check your recording format settings:
Thanks for the fast response, I recorded at AAC 320kbps since i buy most my music as 320kbps. That is super interesting the 48kHz played back at 44.1kHz could result in a similar manner.
Het team, i have had the same problem.
i have recorded 3 mixes in total. the first two recordings came out no problem with amazing sound and no change in bpm. The last set (no.3) i recorded was slowed down once i played back in the app. the mix is deemed useless now. So the only thing i did do different in the 3rd mix was mess with the bpm range between tracks. The first two sets i recorded i had the same bpm set through the entire hour. Do you think changing BPM would have a result in the recording being slowed down for what ever reason?
to add to my above comment.
I am running iphone XS with up to date updates & djm900nxs2 with up to date firmware
@Cory > A song recorded in a different sample rate can still be salvageable, but it will potentially play back at the wrong rate depending on the app. Please try copying the file over to your computer and check the file info to see what the sample rate is. You could open it in an application like Audacity to then convert it to another sample rate.
I have the same problem. I am recording in 320 kbps AAC and playback is really slow. Not sure why we would need to change the playback rate in order for this to just work the way it should. This is so frustrating because this app has never worked properly for me. Now that I the latest firmware on my nxs2 mixer i was hoping this would work. Please fix this!
@Dustin > Have you compared the recording's sample rate vs. that of the playback audio interface?
I am simply playing the audio from my iPhone X running iOS 13.3.1. I don't see any option to change the playback rate, nor do I understand why that would be a useful feature.
This problem still persist. Why don't you fix this issue, I can not turn back the time and do a 4 hour mix again. We all pay for the app and equipment and we expect the support worthy of reputation Pioneer has.
This sample rate that you talk about is stupid solution and it DOES NOT WORK.
It can just record in real time and that's it.
@SixBeats > If you recorded in 48kHz, that samplerate provides a higher quality recording than 44.1kHz, but if the app you're using plays it back at 44.1kHz, it will sound about 8% slower. It's not a "stupid solution" -- if you record at that setting, the only way to fix it is to bring it into an audio editor and export it at a lower samplerate. Chances are very good that nothing is ruined or lost.
Its not stupid solution if you do not understand the problem. So it records everything on 117 BMP. It does not allow you to change it to WAV, do the solution above in your post is not possible.
It should record in real time, not changing the pitch at all.
One more fact. If you do not use sync and change pitch speed it resets all on 117 BMP.
Your solution is just to give us something and most of the people here do not post problem if they didn't try this things in first place.
So your solution is stupid for more reasons. Please try to record a mix and change pitch speed. Try it +/-1 +/-2 or more.
When it resets to 117 then tray your "solution".
@SixBeats > Recording at 48kHz and playing back at 44.1kHz has nothing to do with the tempo of the song on your players; the problem is the recording samplerate vs. the playback samplerate.
If you change the recording preference to 44.1kHz you will find that the playback occurs at normal speed.
Had the same problem with a recording from last night, and have this morning tried the 'solution' of exporting the audio through audacity with a lower sample rate, yet this did not fix it.
It seemingly did not fix it because this isn't the issue; the recording was done at 44.1khz and again played back at this level, yet it's 10 minutes longer (due to it being slower) on playback. Sounds shit.
We were playing at 128-130 so not even a big difference and on playback its around 120bpm. What is the solution then and why is this app so broken?
@Samuel > What was the original samplerate you recorded at and what did you convert it to within Audacity?
Confirming same issue. I've recorded dozens of mixes using the app and my djm-750 (v1.04), changed nothing and noticed the latest mix is way slower. App version, iPhone X 13.5.1.
Recorded at about 122.5 in 44.1 WAV, playback 44.1, 16 bit PCM in audacity. Seems to be playing around 113. Playback within DJM-REC app give same results.
113 is approximately 8% slower than 122, so that would account (again) for the difference between 44.1kHz sample rate and 48kHz playback speeds. Please check your settings.
Yep, same settings as they were yesterday. It's a 44.1 file. It's playing as 44.1.
is this fixed now? this is verry frustating... i cannot use this app.
Hi there, i have just downloaded the app and recorded for an hour off a NXS2 and CDJ 3000's only to find when I played back the set it was playing back slowly, way off the tempo of the tracks? I've tried recording at different kHz and kbps as suggested in the chats but same result when playing back. All the firmware is updated on all devices.