Have a feature request or suggestion? Post your idea here!


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Rekordbox Lightning

Rekordbox lightning is, in my opinion, a fantastic product. After reading the manual very carefully and some adjustments, I was blown away. This is my simple setup:

  • DDJ-1000
  • RB-DMX1
  • 1 ADJ Dotz Tpar
  • 3 ADJ ultrabars
  • 4 simple wash movers
  • 2 Chauvet Mini Kinta IRC


What I liked:

  • Easy control with just the pads. No iPad or extra laptop needed. Saves setup time.
  • It seems to better analyse the song now.
  • Great build ups
  • Channel 3 & 4 working.
  • Some fixtures got an update: my ADJ ultrabars can now be divided in 3 zones: bar light 1, 2 and 3. Great! More variation. (Please update the ADJ Dotz TPar too :)
  • Some FX-lights are working pretty well now: Chauvet Mini Kinta IRC cannot show it's full potential but as part of a show, it still looks better.

When using this live these are the to do's in priority:

  1. Fixed scenes for speeches or background music. (I know about the workarounds but I bought this product because I'm lazy...)
  2. Simple light program available for external devices connected to the controller.
  3. After the drop lightshow get's very boring sometimes.
  4. Full fixture support, (gobo control, lasers,...) For example: the brightness knob doesn't support the Mini Kinta. No variation in motor speed? ADJ Dotz Tpar (COB lightning system with four pars) acts as one par etc...
  5. Find a new job for the light jockey


Tip: if you do not have enough lights use a par light as a bar light. Otherwise it can get very dark.

I do understand that full fixture support is a daunting task. Can we help? To be a great leader, you have to learn how to delegate well.

Thomas 回答済み



Some of those requests are already in the pipeline - thanks for your feedback.

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Thomas>..."Full fixture support, (gobo control, lasers,...) For example: the brightness knob doesn't support the Mini Kinta. No variation in motor speed? ADJ Dotz Tpar (COB lightning system with four pars) acts as one par etc..."
..."I do understand that full fixture support is a daunting task."

It doesn't have to be daunting. Track envelopes to directly control DMX channel values would provide support for all of those features, along with any other possible DMX feature.

That would only be a half day's work for a single developer, since all they would have to do is apply the track envelope they already have for level values to the other channels as well.

Eric Esteb 0 票
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