
It will be included in a future update - sorry, but I can't reveal which version or when, but it has been tested and it works great!
How to sync Rekordbox with other equipments via midi clock or Ableton link?
Every other DJ platform support this feature, why Rekordbox can't do this?
Is there any timeframe for Pioneer to implement this?
It will be included in a future update - sorry, but I can't reveal which version or when, but it has been tested and it works great!
I have a DDJ-1000, I also use ableton.
The new DDJ-1000 SRT is compatible with link ableton ...
why rekordbox do not do an update to include this function?
This function appeared in 2016 ... 2016, we are in 2019 ...
More than 186 music platforms use this feature!
What are you waiting for?
Go on, work on the update 5.7.1 and add this function ableton link!