Dear Sir,
Thank you for your feedback. We have not plans to other cloud service like Google Drive, but we have received your request.
Any plans to add other services like Google Drive.
I ask this as I use Gsuite to manage my DJ affairs (email, calendar, RB backups).
Dear Sir,
Thank you for your feedback. We have not plans to other cloud service like Google Drive, but we have received your request.
+1 for Google Drive.
I thought I read another Pioneer response to the question where they said it could be coming in the near future??
Yes please Pioneer & Rekordbox, google drive integration would be a huge benefit as I already use this as cloud storage for over 3tb of music and moving all of this to dropbox would be a true pain.
any update on adding Google Drive integration
Sorry, there are no plans at this time.
I can not believe you didn't integrate Google drive which is the most popular and large cloud in the world. I don't know any of my friend using the old-forgotten Dropbox.
Yep, what he said
Bring google drive to cloud sync, you're losing on a large market segment because the exclusivity with dropbox. Doesn't make sense for us to pay extra for another cloud service when many others are already subscribed to icloud, drive etc.
Estamos de acuerdo. DEBERIA PODER SINCRONIZAR CON GOOGLE DRIVE. Hace tiempo que ya lo preguntamos, veo que la gente opina lo mismo. Me temo que han firmado un acuerdo con dropbox de exclusividad a cambio de hacer la nube compatible con recordbox. Lo peor de todo es el timo del precio de la nube dropbox, mucho mas cara que google drive. Solo queda esperar a que lo reconsideren, y que mucha gente lo reclame.
We agree. IT SHOULD BE ABLE TO SYNCHRONIZE WITH GOOGLE DRIVE. We have been asking for a long time, I see that people think the same. I'm afraid they have signed an exclusive agreement with dropbox in exchange for making the cloud compatible with recordbox. Worst of all is the dropbox cloud price scam, much more expensive than google drive. It only remains to wait for them to reconsider it, and for many people to claim it.
This is about reliability and support, and we thank you for your patience and understanding in our decision to use Dropbox.