Can you link a video of the specific issue you're having so we can investigate? Thanks.
Synchronization of beats on Toraiz SP 16 and 2x CDJ 2000 NXS2 connected to DJM 900 NXS2 on PRO DJ LINK is very bad. Toraiz shows 138 BPM just like on CDJ, but the rhythms don't fit. I'm running Dave Parkinson's segments from a USB drive, and although the SP-16 and CDJ have the same BPM, the rhythms don't work exactly.
Please advise or I'll throw it out the window.
Can you link a video of the specific issue you're having so we can investigate? Thanks.
This is probably a problem
That's just a problem with the grid in rekordbox; adjust that manually to set the grid properly and there will be no issue with sync.
Sure, but this is a loop I want to use in Toraiz and not in Rekorbox
The grid is not affixed to the audio when you export it for use with the SP-16, it has its own analysis / gridding; have you looked on there to see if it's set properly?
No, I don't know where, can I ask you for help with the right settings?
I only made settings according to this video otherwise nothing .. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfFuZNFAFIU
Where can I find the settings for the analysis / grid
Pulse ... why don't you ever finish counseling until the end? You always start something, but the end is nowhere.I'd like someone from Pioneer to advise
@Rosta > I'm sorry, this isn't the only topic I'm supporting, so I thank you for your patience.
Please see the user manual (page 35) for information on setting the start point and adjusting the grid of your samples on the SP-16.
Thank you very much, I hope I can do it.