this would be great to hear about!
Hi all,
Any news on updates and new requests for Toraiz Squid?
The last update is October 2019,
and there are many requests for improvements and bug fixes,
but no response from Pioneer.
Thank you very much
this would be great to hear about!
why would you expect a firmware update?
pioneer are well known in the music producing community for not caring about its customers, for delivering incomplete operating systems for machines, and for stringing the customers along saying these products have not been discontinued
so far 4 music production products - ALL with incomplete unfinished operating systems
toraiz sp16
toraiz as1
pioneer djs1000
pioneer squid
you really have no excuse for not knowing about the appauling pioneer product philosophy as the internet and even this forum is full of posts by unhappy and frustrated customers
so they will tell you the squid has not been discontinued, but no fixes will be delivered - they will tell you that development have been informed about bugs - thats as good as it gets
They appeared to be working on firmware that would make this thing amazing. Did a survey of squid owners too. It’s so close.
Yesss, this would be great to hear about a new update.
Thank you
support wrote me that no update is planned
I'd die for this. It's a good device but it be so close to being the perfect one if only we had...
A dedicated drum track like Korg's SQ-64 has it would be great. About pattern chaining there should be no discussion, it's simply obligatory. I know, it is meant as a performing tool, but it could be so much more.
The Squid is a good machine with some really unique features - that's why I bought it - but it could be a terrific sequencer if Pioneer would listen to their customers. Take Akai for example with their current MPC-line. They are constantly improving their devices. On the other hand it seems as if at Pioneer they shut down their development department as soon as they start shipping their first units.
yes Pioneer missed an opportunity here... as their first sequencer it was a really great start. It had many fresh ideas. They should have made more improvements to the firmware and listen to professional users and then come up with MkII.
I can only guess that the initial sales weren't high enough so they gave up. What a shame
Verstaerker, I totally agree with you. The key to sell a product is listen to its customers - before and after sales. With firmware upgrades you can turn a good product into a better one.
I just wonder why they do a survey if they don't intent to improve their product anyway.
that survey is quite old now... i also had high hopes that they will come with a big new firmware
they really should look at elektron, wich is a small company and they bring new feature-updates even to years old hardware