Hey Paul,
Weird - could you post a photo?
The only recalibration is for touch... I'm wondering if there's another problem like a bad display connector or perhaps glitchy code. Have you tried re-flashing the firmware?
The screen on my Toriaz Sp-16 is shifted to the left by what looks to be around 64 pixels... is there any setting to reset or move and recenter the screen somewhere?
Hey Paul,
Weird - could you post a photo?
The only recalibration is for touch... I'm wondering if there's another problem like a bad display connector or perhaps glitchy code. Have you tried re-flashing the firmware?
confession time :) I bought this unit with a broken screen here in the UK for sub £50... I've fitted a Nexus2 screen and whilst that does display the picture there would seem to be some difference in how the hsync works since you say that there is no software calibration for screen horizontal position... I have since ordered the correct screen from China... will see how that goes :)
ok, ive replaced the screen a second time with the exact same part number and everything is still shifted to the left... this is very weird... are we sure there's no hidden screen calibration options somewhere?