
Hi Gruvhard,
I'm not sure if you are using the Toraiz SP-16 or Toraiz Squid to sequence your TB-03. But the principle is the same for both Toraiz devices.
Toraiz devices can send 2 types of MIDI data:
The first type is MIDI sync. MIDI Sync tells your TB-03 sequencer to start and stop at the same time as your Toraiz device. So if your musical note data is programmed into the TB-03's internal sequencer, then every time you start and stop your Toraiz gear, the TB-03's internal sequencer will start to play in sync.
Now, if you want to mute your TB-03 using the Toraiz gear, then your musical note information should not be in the TB-03, but programmed into the Toraiz gear instead--and the TB03 should play a blank pattern.
Any of the Toraiz's 16 tracks can transmit MIDI Note data. Just make sure the Toraiz is transmitting on the MIDI Channel that the TB-03 is set to receive on.
Does that make sense?