Feature Request: Enhance RB metadata matrix
could you please so kind and upgrade the Matrix.
for every Audiofileformat ( .mp4, mp3, wav, aiff ....) you support .could you please list:
- Tag is read or written or both
- what ist the technical FRAME-ID / ATOM / BOX you use
- list all Special Cases
for .m4a (mp4) if "Album" value is not present in the file, then "Album Artist" is ignored during import
( see https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/requests/317300)
- list as .csv file for easier handling than .pdf
Reason: Maintaining Metadata is far easyer with an external Tool (I use MP3TAG) . Dont get me wrong .... RB is Good for maintaing on the fly something ... but for complex reorgs ( change GENRE for x files etc).
I know there exists the following threads / links ... but in a way nothing ist realy complete