Hello again,
Anyone from Pioneer DJ to help with this please ?
This is a very annoying bug, and I think, rather easy to fix.
TL;DR : when "Jump before reaching the next beat" is enabled and HotCue quantize is set to « 1 », pressing a HotCue snaps to the nearest beat (forward or backward)… but if HotCue is set at 0:00, it acts like there is no quantization at all, and it jumps directly to the HotCue.
Other DJs in this forum (and others) already complained about the fact that quantization with Rekordbox HotCues was by default snapping only forward.
Here are a few threads about this kind of issues :
- https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/205862126-Quantizing-loops-but-not-hot-cues
- https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/204291636-Hot-Cue-Delay
- https://forums.pioneerdj.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/900001360303-Hot-cue-delay
The "Jump before reaching the next beat" option (although its name is misleading IMHO) is meant to allow the quantization to happen also backward if the nearest beat is behind and not ahead, and this could solve issues like the ones described by other DJs in the above forum threads.
This is a very precious option that should work consistently, whatever the time position of the HotCue is.
I am not the only DJ to which this behaviour of the HotCues is affecting the workflow, and users of all the Pionneer DJ products that have pads or HotCues buttons would benefit from having this bug fixed in Rekordbox.
I think this is one of the small-but-important things that push back Traktor or Serato DJs from using Rekordbox.
Thanks in advance for helping out :)