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No Waveform zoom when using 2000 NXS2 in HID and Traktor

I know there has been a post about this last year on a thread called 

However I read through this an it was said that there was never a scrolling waveform supported for cdj 2000's and Traktor. This isn't true.  With the CDJ 2000 Nexus and Traktor 2.10 and previous there was most definitely a zooming scrolling waveform on the the screen of the CDJ.


Any insight as to why there is now only a static waveform on the CDJ 2000 NXS2 when used in HID mode with Traktor 2.11.0


Any new developments or insight to any fixes or workarounds?  Thanks :)

Allen Tagle Answered

Official comment


Sorry, there is no large scrolling waveform on the CDJ-2000NXS2, nor the CDJ-2000nexus. This is the same track loaded to each player:

This is with the latest firmware on each player, on Traktor 2.11.0.

There are no plans for Pioneer DJ to include scrolling waveforms on the display with Traktor.

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