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Active Loop from Hot-Cue Panel

I would like to active "active loop" directely from hot-cue pane (performance) like "change pad color right clic)

Djbilly Mixe Pour Toi

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I think what you're asking for is similar to the Hot Loop function within Serato DJ, which I do find quite useful. I'll pass this along to the engineers.

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Not sure if I understand you,

If you set a loop, and select a hot cue at the beginning, the Hot Cue will save the loop. Each time you press the Hot Cue, the loop will play...

There isn't a option to activate the loop BEFORE it will be played, unless you make it into a Memory Cue

TJ ALT 0 votes
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I would like to be able to activate a loop in "active loop mode" without having to go to the "memory panel"

Djbilly Mixe Pour Toi 0 votes
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On the DDJ-RX Memory Cue loop can be activated with the ACTIVE LOOP = SHIFT + AUTO BEAT LOOP

can't find this functionality in the keyboard mapping though


If something like this would be possible for Hot Cue loops that would be awesome as well!

TJ ALT 0 votes
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i just switched from serato to rekordbox.
I enjoyed the function "slot loop on / off"
this function activates a loop on the fly.
Djbilly Mixe Pour Toi 0 votes
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@TJ ALT > That only activates the previously-used loop, it doesn't allow you to loop a hot cue upon activation unless it was saved as a hot-loop.

Pulse 0 votes
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The question is, using the Active Loop function (ACTIVE LOOP = SHIFT + AUTO BEAT LOOP), how do I know the loop will be activated the moment it reaches the loop stored in memory cue without me having to go on the Memory Cue tab. If it is in the Memory Cue tab it is possible to see that the loop will be activated when the color changes to red. It would be interesting to see this in the Hot Cue tab, or in the Loop area in the graphical interface. Or lighting the Auto Loop button indicating that the Loop Active is on.

Rodrigo Silva 0 votes
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Thanks @Djbilly, as noted above, it's been passed along to the engineers.

Pulse 0 votes
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@Spark > Please don't cross-post; this is a different issue.

Pulse 0 votes
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Hello pioneer my when I click te hot cue in my ddj 400 it waters until the best ends to go back. I'm a beginer and I don't no if that's normal if there is an option where you can change it I will appreciate if you could let me know. Thank you. Love pioneer forever.

Carlos Diaz Candanedo 0 votes
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@Carlos > I'm sorry, I don't understand exactly what the problem is - can you please try and describe it in detail?

Pulse 0 votes
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Couldn't find a better thread to post this in.  I thought there was a bug with Active Loop, but I see now that it's basically permanently setting on the auto loop for the NEXT cue loop.  So now that I know how it works (this really needs to be explained somewhere, took almost an hour of playing with it before I realized that it didn't auto activate ALL upcoming loops since there is no indication on the DDJ-1000 hardware of which loops are activated!)... can't there be a way to INDICATE that active loop is on via the hardware, in a better way than holding Shift to see if the 4 Beat Loop button is lit?  I think flashing the hot cue button where the loop is set would be way better, for example, as that would ALSO show WHICH loop is "active"!

Also, I think Memory Loops are good for ones you want to look every time the track plays.  But to me, the way I expected Active loop to work, would be to auto-loop ANY upcoming loops, only WHEN it is turned on!  Is there a way to make it work like that?  It's kind of odd that it is more of a planning tool on the hardware in that it PERMANENTLY sets the next cue loop to ALWAYS be active!  I would have thought it's just a way to TEMPORARILY auto-activate the next (or ANY) loops while it is turned on!  Doesn't that make more sense?  Or couldn't it be an option?

While I am here - how the heck does the Shift+In/Out work to adjust the loop?  If I hold Shift and In or Out then turn the jog wheel, all that does it adjust my beatgrid (or tempo/grid spacing).  I feel like I had figured this out once before, but now I can't seem to see how to do that.

noizDawg 0 votes
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You need to release the shift button when touching the jog wheel.

Spark972 0 votes
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Ahh, ok... I didn't think of doing that.  I think I did it once perhaps accidentally, thus I was puzzled I couldn't do it again. :)  Thanks!

Hope Pioneer can add the idea to flash an active Hot Cue Loop on the bottom button where the loop is stored, that would be really dope!

noizDawg 0 votes
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We agree that the serato slot loop function is still not available?

I need to let the track play with the loop B active and be able to hit a cue point C (or hot cue) placed anywhere in this loop and keep the loop active.

I can't find a way to keep the loop B active and start from the cue C.

jean jan 0 votes
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@Jean Jan > That function doesn't currently exist; if the loop is active, jumping to another hot cue will deactivate the active loop.

Pulse 0 votes
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Is this 'Hot Loop' function like in Serato DJ on the roadmap for v6?

Aux 0 votes
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