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Opus Quad: set loop not active when playing from cue, inconsistent?

Hi, I'm wondering if the following behavior is desired and consistent:

When I set a loop by pressing the loop knob (e.g. a 4-beat autoloop) the loop is set and starts playing. Then I press an empty hot cue button to save the hot cue with the loop on it. When I press the hot cue button the loop starts playing as desired.

Now: when the loop is playing and I press the temporary cue button (with hot cue replacement enabled), the playback stops as desired. When I then press play again, playback starts but the loop is inactive. E.g. pressing CUE and then play deactivates the loop and afaik that's different behavior than in rekordbox, no? I can only start playback with the loop via the hot cue or by using the re-loop funcation (shift + loop knob).

I have a video in case that's needed.


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In most Pioneer systems like Rekordbox, when you hit the temporary cue button, playback stops and the deck returns to the temporary cue point. This might reset the loop status, deactivating it unless you trigger the loop again using the hot cue or re-loop function.

If you're expecting the loop to remain active after using the temporary cue, it's possible that Opus Quad handles this differently than Rekordbox, where the cueing might prioritize linear playback over keeping the loop active.

The temporary cue button is generally designed to allow DJs to quickly return to a specific point in the track, often without preserving the active loop unless the hot cue is loop-enabled.

Rekordbox usually allows loops to remain active if the loop was part of a saved hot cue, but this might not extend to manual loops triggered without hot cue association.

After pressing CUE and then PLAY, the loop appears to deactivate, which suggests that playback is being treated as starting from a non-loop point. If you want the loop to remain active after hitting play, using the hot cue associated with the loop or the re-loop function (shift + loop knob) seems to be required.

From what you're describing, the behavior could be consistent in terms of how the Opus Quad interprets cueing and loops. However, it does differ from how Rekordbox handles loops, where loops are more tightly integrated with cues, and temporary cues don't necessarily deactivate loops unless the cue point is outside the loop.

Snow Rider

Hubert Flowers 0 votes
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