Official comment

Hi Danny,
Sorry, it sounds like a hardware fault - please contact a Pioneer DJ authorized service centre in your region to have your CDJ inspected and/or repaired.
Hi Danny,
Sorry, it sounds like a hardware fault - please contact a Pioneer DJ authorized service centre in your region to have your CDJ inspected and/or repaired.
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Thank you for the response.
It would be cheaper replacing the motherboard, once you take postage into account, surely?
I imagine inspection plus p+p is gonna roughly £100. Before parts/labour added. A CDJ this old it makes sense changing for another. Looking at a pair of 1000mk1s.
Entirely possible however we can't diagnose that as being the problem, nor can we provide advice or instructions on the disassembly or repair of your product. Sorry!
I can take it apart no problem. It's the diagnostic side I'm unsure about. Circuit boards are not my forte. I think I'm gonna buy a replacement off eBay if I have no joy finding any help.