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anyone know how to toggle decks 3 and 4 on xdj-xz using rekordbox dj?
I hear its on the screen but cant see it!
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I found one way under Shift + Menu -- Utility, there's a toggle switch for decks 1/3 and 2/4 on the units' screen.
There's probably a better/faster way (I hope) as this is not very mixing friendly as is... but yet to find it while testing this unit.
According to the Crossfader video you just double tap Shift.
Hmmm.. weird that it's not in the manual. Oh well, if that's a quick shortcut, that's even better. Thanks!
the double tap of shift doesnt work for me but that would be far more convenient than the process of hitting short cut then pressing each deck
One thing that is bugging me and cannot fix even with shift time mode is on the main display I ahve the time remaining counting down, but on jog display it counts up...
@JAmes > I believe you can change that in the preferences; it's not switched automatically with the main deck time setting.
press Shift twice does not work
according to the comments section on crossfaders youtube review it says the double tap of shift is coming in a firmware update soon!
he knows more than pioneer support it would seem.
Given that I haven't had my hands on one yet ... apparently so! ;)
Is there an update on this. I have the same issue with my XDJ-XZ and cannot access deck 3 and 4 while my laptop is connnected. I can load songs into 3 and 4 in Rekordbox on the laptop but have no idea how to play them on the XDJ-XZ.
Double shift doesn't work, but this does it for now
When using usb drive on one side of xz and laptop on the other b2b, the rekordbox dj laptop user using the left hand side cannot access deck 3 via short cut menu, please can this be added?
Also it would be helpful in a 3 way b2b session, which I do a lot, that the rekordbox dj laptop user could use decks 3 and 4, while usbs 1 and 2 could be used for decks 1 and 2...thoughts?
Maybe some of this will be fixed with the firmware update that adds the double tap of shift to toggle decks?
@James > The double-tap-shift shortcut is coming in a future update, as is tapping the deck number within the display (which, oddly enough, was in the manual at the time of release, but not implemented as a function).
The shortcuts for the decks don't exist when the software and hardware are used in combination of stand-alone / control modes.
ok, when is the update coming?
And will my suggestions be put forward?
@James > No date available for the update.
We can pass along the suggestion but there is no promise or guarantee it will be considered or included.
Is there any way I can map the deck select to one of the pads in the meantime? It really is a pain having to go through the shortcut menu each time...
@Harry > As that's a hardware function, the answer is no.
Crossfader showed the update with the double tap of shift over 3 months ago, why the hell cant we have it ffs?
Because that happened to be in a pre-release beta firmware, FFS.
And I take it we can't get access to said beta firmware? :(
No, sorry - there are no public betas for the product firmware updates.
Surely double tap of shift button does not take 4 months to test
@pulse will There be an option to use stand alone on one and 2 combined with controller on 3 and 4?? This will be a VERY usefull b2b function instead of switching between 2 decks...
Yeah, that's how it works now.
I cant Get this to work, when i play with a USB stick and press link for controller function My only option us to change deck 1 or 2 to computer mode
Yes, decks 3 and 4 would be computer - 1 and 2 would be controller for the software. You just had it backwards.
Ok, il rephrace. Lets say i have My USB plugged in, playing a song on deck 2 as standalone. Then i want to play a song from rekordbox on deck 4 and prep it. When i do this the xz override standalone mode for both decks right hand side, and makes deck 2 and 4 controller mode wich stops the song on deck 2 from the USB.