Unfortunately we are still waiting for rbx to become stable and we are still being asked to sumbit more info so pioneer can look at this,
PLEASE COPY / PASTE / ANSWER the blow list of questions and pulse / gavin will be in touch.
0) Have you read the "READ ME FIRST" thread in its entirety before posting: No, it's too long OR Yes, I swear it!
1) Operating System: OSX 10.6 10.5 10.4 Windows 7 Vista XP Other
2) OS Type: 64bit 32bit
3) Rekordbox version:
4) Using LINK: No Yes
** 4a) LINK Connection method*: DJM2000 or make/model of network hardware
* 4b) Using with CDJs*: No Yes (if yes, list them)
**5) Hard drive / Flash drive / SD card file system: FAT16 FAT32 NTFS HFS+
* 5a) Does the device have multiple partitions*: No Yes Unsure
* 5b) If it's a flash drive, is it a U3 device*: No Yes Unsure
* 5c) With what utility did you format the device*: OSX Windows HP USB Formatting Utility Other
**6) Have you scanned your files for errors: No Yes
**7) Have you scanned your drive for errors: No Yes
**8) Is Rekordbox crashing at all: No Yes
* 8a) If crashing, is it resulting in*: an error message OR a crash log OR both (DO NOT POST YOUR CRASH LOG UNLESS REQUESTED!)
* 8b) If not crashing, are there any error messages*: No Yes
**9) Are you able to repeat / reproduce the problem: No Yes
* 9a) If yes, can you do it consistently*: No Yes
**10) Any other notes regarding your setup only:
**Provide as much detail of the issue here*: