Yup. Same here. The faceplate is already loosing paint and so is the actual crossfader knob itself.
I feel like I might return it and get the Rane 62.
I just got the DJM-S9 recently and already, the paint by the crossfader is starting to chip away. This shouldn't happen so soon. Perhaps the paint job on my mixer is defective? Would I be able to get a replacement faceplate under warranty?
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Yup. Same here. The faceplate is already loosing paint and so is the actual crossfader knob itself.
I feel like I might return it and get the Rane 62.
I am losing even more paint on my fader knob. I feel like they just need to lose the gimmicky silver enamel and just use black faders.
Agreed, my fader cap is losing paint too...
It's a shame if this happens at this pricepoint.
Never had this on my Vestax, Ecler and Rane mixers.
I can't say that Vestax is immune to this. My 05 Pro is completely worn on the face plate near the fader.
Rane does not have this issue, and neither do my Ecler/Tascam XS8s.
I spoke to someone over the phone and I have to send pictures of the paint issue, which I will do later tonight. He told me "usually cosmetic damage isn't covered under warranty but send me pictures and I will review it." I'll keep you posted. This definitely should be covered cause I haven't had it for THAT long...hopefully they'll take that into consideration when reviewing
Cosmetic damage? I will take photos tonight. Mine is doing it too. We aren't doing anything out of the ordinary.
See, even though this thing is packed with features, this kinda stuff makes me just wanna stick to Rane. They never come at with you stuff like that. That's a ridiculous response in my opinion after how much we paid for the mixer.
I try not be a jerk, but that's not acceptable.
In my experience, you take these criticisms as ways to improve the product. Perhaps they should look at what materials Rane is using in order to prevent their face plates and knobs from wearing out?
Wow. SMH.
Yup I agree bro...I'm sending pics tonight and I'll let you know what happens. If they don't replace, I'll just have the get a skin from 12inchskinz to prevent further damage but it's totally unacceptable
I am not sure how all this stuff even passed final testing given that many DJ's have been testing the S9 forever now. If it wears quickly for us, I am sure it wore quickly for whoever was on the beta/design team.
True...unless ours are defective
Patience please guys, I've got the engineers on it.
Thank you Pulse. I sent the pictures in as well to the person I spoke to on the phone.
Could you please link the photos here so I can pass them to the product team?
Sure! Here you go, link below:
No prob, hopefully there's something that can be done :)
Just checking in to see if there's any updates, thanks so much! If this needs more time, I understand. Just wanted to know where we are at.
I called and spoke to a woman that was of no help. She did not ask for a serial number or anything. She Just put me on hold a few time and said i need to send in to be looked at because they don't know anything about this problem and it may not be covered. Guess ill call back and hope to talk to someone who knows whats going on .... https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1243109285714539&set=a.120797474612398.17430.100000464380403&type=3&theater
Their phone support is horse ****. I really think the best bet for me is to just return it for the 62. Rane is way better about stuff like this.
At this point, calling support will be less help than posting here - we're in direct communication with the product team and they are investigating the cause and solution. Your patience is appreciated while they work to resolve this issue.
well apparently you are out of the loop or i am misinformed because someone is already getting a replacement..
The engineers / support teams are dealing with each incident on a case-by-case basis. Someone (you?) may be getting a replacement but no, I'm not privy to that information. Any other users with the same issue can post here and we will try to assist.
Funny this is his post SMH
Sorry, I don't understand what you're upset about or why you're "SMH"-ing.
What ever pls let me know when you guys get it sorted out
Thank you
@Eric > As previously posted, the product team is working to resolve the issue and support is dealing with each incident on a case-by-case basis. If and when we have more information to share with the masses, it will be posted, otherwise someone may be in direct contact with you via the email address you have used to register on the forums.
Pulse - just want to send a huge thank you to your support team at Pioneer DJ. You guys are awesome. Someone contacted me and my issue is being resolved.
Ok thank you Pulse the uniformed lady i talked to just had me upset. I live in the Los Angeles area and can bring the mixer to the Long Beach location. I will be awaiting an email.